Caspar The Ghost

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"Brandon don't leave me." I plead

" ..perfect....." As i watch the life drain away from Brandon eyes.

I'm using all my focus on keeping Brandon alive and not to think about Edgar.

Edgar is gone, and out for revenge.

 ** 3 Weeks Later**

"Kayla!" Someone yells and i jump out of the hospital chair.

"What?" I groan, rubbing my eyes turning to see Riley with an angry expression.

"Your late! Again!"  she stomps her foot on the ground making me laugh. God I'm tired.

"Maybe its a hint." I turn back to see Brandon sound asleep in his bed.

"You haven't moved from this chair in 3 weeks Kayla." She looks at Brandon then back to me.

"I'm surprise your still around me first Ava now Brandon." I take a swig of beer.

"Your Drunk." She states

"So?" I lift my bottle then put it to my lips again.

"Ava's fine, she walking talking she's even in charge of the telekinesis group now, and Brandon is almost done his recovery treatment he'll be back on his feet in a few days" She fires back 

"3ed times the charm." I slur.

"Brandon wouldn't like you drinking." She looks down avoiding my death glare.

"And Brandon wouldn't like you running your mouth-" I say

"Hey." Brandon rasps out and i hold his hand.

"Did we wake you?" I ask and i can feel the tears trying to escape from my eyes.

"Sort of...Riley has a point, you should go with her to the invisibility group. I'll be fine I'm almost better." He tries to persuade me.

"Fiinnneee." I groan and take a final swig of my drink before dumping it in the trash.

"Great, but you need to take a shower, you wreak of beer." She scrunches her nose and i glare while Brandon laughs amused.


It feels good to have a shower i feel refreshed and not so hungover. Many factors contributed to my drinking just Brandon getting shot was the last straw.

I grab my black short sleeve shirt. camouflage shorts and black high-top sneakers before meeting Riley in the invisibility group. I just hope this goes better than the last group.

"Welcome to the invisibility group my name is Maria and ill be your instructor. Now to begin were going to have to do some yoga." She states and directs us to the mats on the floor.

"Yoga? Why?" I whine to Riley

"It helps us relax, its the key to complete invisibility, If your all tense you could just be a head or arm or me.. Not fun." She jokes

"Sorry about earlier, at the hospital." I look down at my blue mat.

"Don't worry about it, were all on high stress. You especially."

"Ok everyone lets star with something simple, touch our toes." She bends down and touches her toes without breaking a sweat. I try but i can only get to my ankle.

"Shoudln't  the prophecy have super flexibility powers?" Riley asks laughing at my failed attempt

"I wish." I groan

LegacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora