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I attempt to open my eyes but i keep failing. I cant remember the last thing that happened that made me this weak.

Then it all comes rushing back!

"Ahhhh." "Nnnhhhh." My is numb i cant feel a thing.

"Cant having you using your fireballs on me, love." 

My assailant is wearing a mask so i cant see his face, and his voice is disguised so i cant make out who it is.

"Don't worry, ill get you away from here then we can be together forever my betrothed. Your mine.

My eyes jolt open, as if a electric shock went through them. My eyes adjust to the bright light shining down on me. I try to move my hand but its handcuffed to the headboard.

I'm in a red room, withe fancy wallpaper and a black floor. I'm in a red bed with a red velvet comforter.

I feel something wet being dabbed on my forehead, i look up and see Edgar still in his mask,  dabbing a wet cloth with warm water on my head.

"I see you up my angel. How are you feeling?" He asks concerned and so non-chalent. He's acting like he didn't kidnap me.

How should i play this should i try to piss him off and fight him, kill him and escape, or play along so he'll let his guard now and i can escape.

"I'm fine." I breathe. "My arms are a little numb." I add try to sound sweet.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that, i'll remove the chip once i can trust you wont use those fireballs on me."

"Chip?" I ask nervously

"Dont be scared, my sweet." He puts his hand on my thigh. I rests the urge to recoil and smack him. "It just stops your powers."

"All of them?" Maybe when i escape ill keep this chip in. I think to myself.

"Yes, its only temporary." He trys to reasure me. I nod.

"Whats wrong?" He asks, his eyes full of wonder. 

Oh nothing wrong just that you kidnapped me, my boyfriend is proably freaking out, and you want me to marry you and to be together for all eternity, and there is a slim chance ill escaoe here alive. My subconscious adds

"Why did you take me here?" I ask

"You need to be away from that place, there training to kill me, They want to keep us apart, we need to stick together." He looks into my eyes. His eyes are yellow. He wearing contacts.

"Why are you hiding from me?" I try to say sweetly

"I'm not hiding I'm right here." He leans in for a kiss. But i put my hand on his chest to stop him. I can see his jaw clench in anger.

"I mean the mask, and the contacts. If you want to spend your life with me why are hiding your face?"  He cringes for a moment but then resumes his tough facade.

"because its not the right time, yet, don't worry before we wed, you see me." He says

"When are we gonna wed?" I cant mask the fear in my voice, Edgar notices it but ignores it.

"After the sacrifice." He calmly says and my blood runs cold.

"Sacrifice?" I squeak

"Yes, We have to transfer the positive energy in your powers into the earth, and you keep your dark powers."

"Oh." Somehow  I'm relievied. But its short lived

"Then we drink the blood of the sacrificial person and pour the rest into these rings." He pulls out 2 rings that look just like the ones that Julian had.

Just like he can read my thoughts. "Yes these are- or were Julian'si took them both. You think they had power before wait till the blood of the sacrificial is in them! Talk about absolute power. We'll be unstoppable. He in-twines our fingers. I hope he really cant read my thoughts......

I'm speechless, i cant find my voice. "I know this is a shock but you'll get used to it."

"Who will be the sacrificial person." I half whisper half sob.

"Derek!" He says and i cant help my outburst. "NOO!" I yell but instantly regret it.

"Why would you care?!?!?" His voice booms in the small bedroom.

"I-I just_" He cuts me off.

"You don't love me?!?!?" He paces around the room. I have to make him believe me so he wont hurt me..or Derek.

"I love you!" Praying he believes me.

"YOU LAIR!!" He smacks me across the face. It. Hurt. Like. Hell.

"AHH" I hold my cheek, i could the hotness of the slap,

He looks apologetic but he leaves the room without another word.

I hold my knees to my chest with my one hand that's not tied up and cry. I let all the tears flow through. After s few minutes my jeans are wet, and i cry myself to sleep.


I wake up to a knock on the door and Edgar comes in with plate of food.

"Hi..honey" He looks down at the plate.

I have no words i just look down.

"I brought you food and some water....you must me famished." He tries to laugh.

"I can see that." I point to the tray.

He walks very slowly over to me, like he actually cares about  me. Why do i feel good when i think about him caring about me. Why do i feel like there's more to that chip then he let on??.....

" I'm sorry i hit you, i just got and, overreacted you did nothing wrong. He cups my check gently. And it sends butterflies down my stomach. 

Noooo! My subconscious tells me.

When i dont replay he continues. "You were just in shock, he took care of you, i understand you need to get used to the idea of him dying." He calmly adds. Too calmly for my liking.

"It ok." I manage to say and look into his eyes. There glossy and bloodshot. He's been crying? A part of me says good! But another part of me, seeing him this way, breaks my heart in too.

"Do you still love me?" His voice cracks.

"Yes." I say without hesitation, apart of me knows its pretend but it doestn feel like it.

"Good then we can get this over with."

"Get what over with?"

He walks out then hauls Derek with duct taped hands and mouth. He spots me and his eyes go wide. Once the duct tape on his mouth is removed he screams. "If you hurt her i swear to god i'll- AHHH" I stabs Derek in the side.

"Noo!" I cry

"I'm sorry Kayla but the sooner the better." Edgar says with no remorse. What happened to the sweet and gentle Edgar that was here. What did i just say  sweet and gentle? Whats wrong with me?

Before i can talk Edgar out of this he slits Dereks throat.

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