Is it better to ask permission than beg for forgiveness?

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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I wake up screaming, and panting with sweat covering me from head to toe. I look around, it was a just a dream. I swear my scream could have shattered glass or ruptured someone's ear drum.

I look at the clock 8:14 AM, time to talk to Derek, AKA the guy who's heart i just broke and probably couldn't care a less about me. But i have to try, right? I go to my closet and put on my black short-shorts, my red tank top with my leather jacket cut at the the shoulders and my mid-legged black leather boots.

Before i know it I'm at Juli- I mean Derek's office. I'll never get used to that. I knock on through the glass door carefully so it wouldn't break, which would be luck but thankfully it didn't. He looks up and he looks a bit surprised and happy? Before i can tell he changes his face to a neutral expression, i can tell this is going to be awkward.

"Kayla? what are you doing here? Is everything ok? He opens the door and asks.

"Umm...yeah i just...umm....I need your help." I say quietly

"Yeah, sure whatever you need... here come in!" He steps aside and gestures me to come in. I walk in and sit down on one of the white glass spin chairs, while he sits down at his desk handing me some champagne. I give him a questioning glance.

"Don't worry i wont tell." He smirks and i smile awkwardly "So whats this visit about?" He asks, i can tell he's happy I'm here, that's makes one of us. I take a sip of the champagne and set the glass on the desk.

"I need permission to go under cover into the telekinesis, invisibility and the super speed and strength groups." I say dryly.

"Under cover?" He asks confused

"We wouldn't want people knowing about me." I say like its obvious which it is.

"Why wouldn't you tell people, I'm in charge now, now that Julian is gone you can tell people and now you wont  die because of it." He says calmly

Before i can respond he speaks again. "We can actually prepare and all fight together." He adds

"Before it was, oh this and that is to risky." I try to imitate his voice "And now you telling me that its ok for me to get myself killed." I say looking into his eyes.

"No, the reason i said it was too risky was because you wanted to give yourself up, but now we can fight him and win!" He says enthusiastically.

"Your serious about this?" I say studying his face.

"Yeah, and...." He looks down "Here." He goes over to a medium sized file cabinet and hands me fill named E. Murders

"E. murder? what is that code for something?" I ask laughing, his expression is now annoyed

"Yes because of your little.....stunt you pulled breaking into Julian's office, i didn't want anyone stealing anything especially this." The points to the folder in my hand. I open it up and find body's. Dead bodies with their throats slashed. This folder had at least 100 pictures, i flip through the black and white photos and with each photo the lump in my throat gets bigger and bigger. I slam the folder shut, and take  deep breath.

"Did Edgar do that? Is that what the E stands for?" I ask 

"Yes, when he slits  their throat he does it with a hand-made witch knife that will transfer their energy to him and-" I cut him off

"He gets stronger more power and-" He cuts me off

"He'll be harder to beat." Derek says slowly. He takes the folder from my hands and puts in back in the cabinet, and locks it, and puts the key in his pocket.

"Do you think about him?" I ask and he has a puzzled look on his face.

"Who?" He asks his voice sounding a bit scared

"Logan." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear me.

"Everyday." He kneels down next to me looking into my eyes, the intensity of his gaze makes me look down to the ground, it feels like if i look into those eyes more, ill be consumed.

"I'm sorry-'" He cuts me off

"Its wasn't your fault." He breathes, and puts his hand on my thigh. Somehow i feel its comforting. I can tell he is about to elan and kiss me but my body jumps out of the chair so were standing face to face. 

"So i got permission?" I ask avoid looking at his face.

"Yeah and after you've had training we can all practice together." He says fast. One minute everything is fine the next is awkward. 

"Ok." i say walking out of the room.

I almost run to the elevator, the thing about derek is that he doesnt fight for me he gave up on me and ive given him chances to let him fight for me but he just...doesnt.

"KAYLA!" i hear Derek voice call after me and his shoes running on the floor. I turn to face him. This is it the moment that he fights for me and-

"I wanted to give you this" He says pulling out the ring. The ring of death that can control other people.

"I thought it would be better and safer in your hands." He says quietly.

"Yeah...thanks." I say and he walks away back into his office. He blew his last chance. He failed. I thought he would fight. I was wrong.

 Did you get permission?"  she asks Ava says behind me causing me to jump. 

"Yes." I say not wanting to go into detail

"Great lets go." she taking my hand and taking me toward the elevator.

"Where." She presses the 9 button

"To the telekinesis group."

"Now?" I ask. Ive had a long day I'm tired.

"Yes the sooner the better she says and we walk into the room, then suddenly a vase comes mashing just above my head.

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