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- how I'm going to get my pact (transformation device)
- the 3 pacts
- mentor details & his shop

I've realised, I haven't really thought about much of this or planned it out much (which is why I'm giving myself a month to finish planning)

🌸 I'm going to get my pact first, then I give other pacts to my friend and her sister.  I get it on new years day. I'm going to ask the universe to show me a sign that I will get my pact through my dreams. I vision my dream to be like: my magic mentor to give me my pact in my hand and says something like "I trust you with these pacts, give one to people you're close with and keep one for yourself."

When I wake up in the morning  I see it on my table, all three of them in a box. I obviously open it and take my one out along with the small pink silk bag that comes along with it. The bag contains my dress up keys.

I put the other 2 in my school bag (because 90% of my life is school!) and make a list of possible people to be a pact holder.

On the 8th of January, I gather all my friends, (that I should've already manifested) and tell them about the pacts and the dream I had. So I decide to give a pact to my first friend and her sister.

From then on I should know what to do. But "never trust your future self" so I'm planning every detail.

🌸 The 3 pacts are called: flower pact, sky pact and moonlight pact. I am the holder of the flower pact, my friend is the holder of the sky pact and her sister is the holder of the moonlight pact.

I'm pretty sure you can tell what the powers might be:
- I can control flowers and take my power from flowers.
- the sky pact holder can control wind and takes power from wind.
- the moonlight pact holder can control the moon's light. It takes powers from light.

The pacts have their own separate  abiiies. For example my pact enables me to be able to call my Crystal Princess Wand on demand like Thors hammer!

There are also shared abilities that all the pacts have. For example being able to black out any CCTV cameras within a mile radius.

A pact holder can get another pacts abilities but they'd have to learn it. For example if I want to do healing, which is the sky pact ability, I would have to learn it.

They look like a combination of:

They look like a combination of:

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🌸 my magic mentor runs an antique magic shop beside my school

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🌸 my magic mentor runs an antique magic shop beside my school. It looks like this:

 It looks like this:

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That's the kind of feel I'm going for!

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That's the kind of feel I'm going for!

He's the one that held the pacts before it got to me. He used to be a magical boy himself, but retired due to reasons no one knows. So he gave out the pacts!

He is a grandparent to the boy in my magical team, Ken. Ken helps around the shop a lot because he gets paid for it (lol) and he wants to know more about his grandfather but it's hard because he is shrouded in mystery.

He knows all the secrets of the pacts, refi's world, everything!

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