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A chapter on why I decided to become a magical girl.

Link to post from tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/search/precure%20all%20stars%20memories
It's the post that is a review about hugtto precure all star memories.

I found this post on tumblr, it made me cry. A lot. It's about the message of precure and the recent movie that came out.

It's been 15 years for precure. The message that they give each year is the usual "never give up" and love and dreams, etcetera.

You begin to overlook it after about 5 years of watching it. But this post really brung up the importance up of how powerful love + understanding  can be.

I want to save everyones dreams and spread good energy. Like precure. Flora sums it up perfectly in this scene (which also made me cry!)

I feel that dreams and hope are what makes this world goes around. Human are emotional beings.

I want to save everyones dreams, even the most stupid or simple dreams are precious.

Dreams keep people alive.

Even villians, who are simply just people whos dreams have been crushed, people who despair and are hurting inside, need saving. I want to help them, I don't see why I shouldn't.

I understand there's people you can't save; things you can't do.

But who decided what you can and can't do?

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