🌸mahou items

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Mahou items are items that can't be used by non-mahou people, they are only used by granted mahous or blood mahous. E.g transformation pact.

There are also items called Mainai items, from mahou and the ending ~inai, to not be.

A muggle can use to temporarily gain mahou powers. With the first use their eyes gain an emblem that is on the item.

These sticks would be used for extra power, if they are used by a granted earth mahou. E.g seeing into the future to find out how to defeat a monster. With their use, their eye change colour to the colour they been assigned from their mahou item.

This difference in eye change is what separates non-mahou users and granted mahous.

Keep in mind this only applies to people on earth. Granted mahous in other dimensions don't have a eye change, this eye change was introduced to separate earth granted mahous and dimensional granted mahous.

The eyes, for a granted mahou, change colour only if you are using outside of transformation.
The eyes, for a muggle, change from the start of use to the end of use.

(Basically like mahou shoujo site)

In order to identify the items, they all have the same emblem.

There are 10 of them and all live in the 2 dimensions, spread out. Hope kingdom and Vailles kingdom.

(No one in the 6 dimensions would need these as they are already granted mahous from when they start going school)

They keep it there for any earth mahous that need it, they started this when they decided they needed to look outside their world for help against Dysdark.

Summary of eye changes:
Granted Mahou (in other dimensions) - no eye change
Granted mahou (on earth) - eye changes to theme colour
Blood mahou (only in dimensions)- wouldn't need to use this, cause they are already powerful
Mainai person [non magic] - emblem shines in eye

Item list:
1. Camera - able to change into the person you take a picture of
2. Bracelet - detect lies, seeing through illusions + sensing emotions
3. Hoodie - invisibility
4. Pen - create a force field around you or others
5. Shoes - telepathy
6. Notebook - write down what you want to happen and it'll come true (literally)
7. Flip phone - stop + start time
8. Bag - mallet space
9. Glasses - mind control
10. Cup - whatever liquid you put in there enhances health + is able to heal someone badly injured

(I got heavily inspired by mahou shoujo site so this was kind of random to add in!)

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