Chapter 5

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Time Skip: 2 weeks

Sonic's p.o.v.

I hate her, I hate her, I HATE HER!!! Everytime I think I can get a minute without her, there she is trying to force me to trust her. HER!!! Who does she think she is?!?! Glad for me, when her arms go around me, I get to bite her, scratch her, anything I can to get her away from me. Ever since Knuckles put the rule down about not killing anyone I have been pretty keen on listening to that rule. But that damn taint just makes me go nuts sometimes and is a result of my actions. She is just so fucking persistent. That was the first week, the second week she stopped altogether. But she still gets too close for comfort. At night, when everyone else is asleep is when my little fun does begin. I get to shed her blood by giving her tiny scraps and scratches, a reminder not to mess with me. She is the source of all my troubles named Amy Rose or as I like to call her, Witch.

After two days I have fully trusted hedgehog or Shadow or better yet, Shadz. He seemed to be tense when I called him that nickname but calmed down when he realized I could trust my life to him. It was him that taught me all those bad words. I like bitch the best cause it best represents the Witch. Kitsune or Tails I trusted soon after Shadz. I figured that his name was already a nickname due to everyone calling him that and that his real name is Miles Prower. I have my ways to get the knowledge I want. Echidna or Knuckles or as I sometimes call him, Knux or Knucklehead. I trusted him after five days had passed. Although I admit, he can be boring at times, but I find a way to get him to play with me, bug or otherwise. Bat or Rouge took a little more time to trust but I eventually trusted her. Rabbit or Cream comes around every few days to play. It surprises me of how we can get along so well. She is very kind hearted and nice unlike me who is a half-demon.

At the moment I was colouring in the colouring book Rouge got me on the living room table, with my favourite colour red. Tails came out of his workshop from working on his machine that D asked for. He came over to me to see what I was doing. Minding my own business, cause I didn't really mind anyone watching over me. Except for HER. They all finished eating their supper a little while ago and they were waiting to see when I would get hungry. About a week ago, I'm guessing that everyone got tired of taking me out on hunts. Whenever I mention it, they would all get tense and have a look of disgust on their faces. Tails had tried, key word try, to get me to eat different types of food, but I declined every single time.

"It's almost time for you to eat something." he said

"I'm not hungry." I said keeping my eyes on the book.

"Are you just saying that to get out of trying something new." asked Knuckles coming into the room. I shrug my shoulders and get back to colouring.

"Well this time I know for a fact that we can get you to eat something."

"Are you sure about that?" asks Shadow "He wouldn't eat anything else we gave him."

"I'm positive. If there's one thing I know is that he won't be able to resist this." Knuckles turns his head to look at me, only for me to side glance back at him giving a look that says 'really'.

"Well you better be right Knuckie, I'm all out of ideas." called Rouge from the kitchen stove, storing something in a pot. I giggle a bit at the nickname and 'Knuckies' annoyed face.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?" he growled

"When I feel like stopping."

"Well you better feel like stopping soon, Bat-girl." I was watching what would happen next when an idea popped into my head. I decided to have a little fun by seeing what their reactions will be.

"When will you two get over the fact that you like each other?" I stated and they both had a crimson blush. Turning away quickly hoping that no one saw it but me, Tails and Shadow all giggled at that.

"Rouge, I didn't know you had a crush on a certain red echidna." said Shadow looking over at her. She scoffed and put her free hand on her hip.

"As if."

"And Knuckles, I didn't know you had the hots for her." pipped Tails. He just turns his head and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I do not, and she isn't even in my league." That's when my giggling brought his attention back to me.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Why are you such a Knucklehead?" He stood there dumbfounded before realizing what I said, taking a few steps over to me.

"Why you little" he didn't even finish the sentence as I teleported behind his head.

"Where'd you go this time?" he said trying to look around but I kept following the back of his head. Tails pointed behind his head and he froze on the spot. He turned around only to yelp and fall on his backside. I failed at holding a giggle as I landed on his stomach.

"I got'cha good that time, Knux." I said as he was holding himself up.

"Ya, you sure got me that time, Kid." before I could react he was on top of me giving a tickle attack. What did I say, bug or otherwise.

"When you two are finished fooling around, I want Blue to get his hands washed cause it's time for supper." said Rouge coming into the room.

After our fun, I did as I was told and sat at the table waiting to see what they had in store for me. When Rouge brought over a plate and sat it in front of me, I didn't know what to think.

"What is that?" I asked confused of the thing on my plate.

"It's called a Chili dog. Do you want to try it?" asked Tails coming to stand beside me. I shook my head no and slouched in my seat so my eyes were still over the table. I glared at the thing to see if it would make a move.

"Why not?" questioned Knuckles

"I don't like it." I said sliding under the table

"How can you say you don't like something if you haven't even tried it?"

"Give me a minute to talk to him and go wait in the other room." I heard someone say. Shadow came under the table with me as I saw the others head to the living room.

"Can you tell me why you don't like them?"

"They look... weird."

"Different things may look weird at first, the least you can do is try it to see if you like it." He leaned closer to me to whisper something in my ear. "I didn't like them at first either." He pulled his head away to look at me. I was stunned, to think that Shadow would like something was unbelievable.

"You?" he nodded "How?"

"Let's just say, things were interesting at the time. Are you going to come out?" I hesitated at first but came out and sat at the table. Looking at the dog, then back at Shadow.

"Go ahead." I picked it up and took a bite. It actually tasted pretty good.


"It's good." I said after swallowing

"What did I tell ya?" he said reaching his hand out to grab it. I glared at his hand and pinned my ears against my head. He stopped his approach and pulled his hand back giving a little laugh. 'He's only teasing me'

After that I finished and we went into the living room to sit on the couch. Shadow sat down and I climbed onto his lap and snuggled into his chest

'Why would Shadz ever tell me a lie? I trust him with my heart.'

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