Chapter 8

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Tails p.o.v.

Sleep is a thing, that by far, gives you the most energy and gets you feeling refreshed for the next morning. So when I was awoken by screams at 5 am, I fell of my bed and ran towards the noise. Quite lazily if I could think straight that is. I was the first one in front of Amy in an instance followed by everyone else. She was balling her eyes out, tossing and turning trying to do only god knows what. She would occasionally give out a yell, followed by whimpers and shudders. I tried my best to calm her down, but all she did was lay on her back, tears still free-flowing, with the noises and a few shudders. As if she was cold to the bone.

Rouge came up to talk soothing nothings in her ear having a calming effect. Knuckles and Shadow, who didn't know how to comfort, just stood in the doorway. Amy opened her eyes just the slightest before drifting off to sleep once again. After getting her to calm down we made sure she didn't have another fit before we left.

We were just about to head of to bed, when a thud sounded from downstairs. Getting our fighting instincts ready, Shadow lead the way downstairs. When he stopped in his tracks at the bottom of the stairs, I couldn't help my curiosity growing. Me and Rouge, since we were in the back, used her wings and my namesakes to fly over the others heads. Knuckles was able to push past Shadow and we were all speechless at the sight before us.

Sonic's p.o.v.

I woke up with a start when the cold, hard metal of the knife just barely touched my heart. In my "dream", I was forced to watch as the wolf was convincing her to stab me. I tried my best to struggle but my body wouldn't cooperate and I felt numb. My voice seemed to have abandoned me, or it was HIS doing. At first I didn't recognize who the stranger was, but then it hit me like a bullet to the head.

The wolf was Frank! It made sense now. I was only told about him but never meet him in person before. The bastard was responsible for turning mobians and humans when they had the spark, and had special powers to do it. I thought the legends were only part of a myth that was used to make immortals aware that they are never safe.

Boy was I ever wrong.

As the legend states: Since Frank was the first taint, he was granted powers that allowed him to see immortals as cold-hearted beasts and killing machines. Or that's what I was told. He thought that immortals couldn't have the right to live as long as they wanted and spread his spark with other mortals.

Although, the mortals didn't know what the spark was and didn't pay any attention to it. Frank found that he could make the mortals have a "dream" where if they killed an immortal, the spark would become active and they ended up joining Frank's side. He fortunately died but the sparks only ended up turning the mortals into taints.

Unfortunately, As it was found out that Frank's soul didn't leave and made it easier for him to travel from one taint to another and to affect more. He also found out that he could keep the generations of taints coming and when a mortal was born they would have a spark, waiting for Frank to work his magic.

The war eventually died down because the huge decrease in mortals thanks to illness. But the warning that more taints could be born was still a big problem. Turning to the only source that they had, when immortals are born, the very first thing that their tought is to look for this spark, hidden in a mortals eyes so that they wouldn't have to deal with another war.

I only listened to part of the legend thinking that the rest of it was fake. But between seeing the spark in her eyes and being apart of some nightmare, everything that I have heard came at me. I didn't want to be apart of this anymore but this is what an immortal does.

To kill any taint in my path, no matter who it is.

I didn't realize that I was stuck in my thoughts until I saw Shadow run by my door. 'What's going on?' I decided to follow him, but he and Knuckles were blocking the door. I hovered just above their heads and the sight made chills run down my spine. There was the witch, crying her head off, sweating too and making the smallest sounds. I caught a glimpse of the spark and it was brighter than before!

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