Phantom and Night chap 15

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Chap 15

The doctor bowed when he entered with Cros.

"How's Warren?" Cros asked and eyed Liam who's next to a sleeping angel.

"He's so warm.. Can you heal him or you'll just stand there?" Liam's voice was tight but quiet. Afraid to wake up Warren who's sleeping peacefully next to him.

"I'll check him if you'd let me touch your mate. I don't want to be beheaded here and yes I don't trust my nephew that he can stop someone like you, Liam."

Liam glared at the tall doctor with dark long hair tied up onto a messy pony. He resembles Cros in so many ways. Doctor Kurt.

"I wont kill you if you do your work." Liam glared at Kurt and he smirked. Even though he's older. He feared Liam like any other vampire would. Liam was said to be the strongest of all of them. He was the reincarnation of the Welkin King after all. The one who dared to cursed all their clan.

"I need the boy awake. Can you wake him up?" He said fixing his things on the bed-side table. Cros was helping him. Kurt took out his white long coat and swung it around and it landed perfectly against his body. He grab his black case that Cros handed him and place it carefully on the bed-side table, opening it. The sight of the syringes made Liam eyed Kurt. His eyes darkening with anger.

"I can feel you digging a hole on my head. Liam. He's not like us. I know you knew the boy's body is a human. He age like us. We all knew that but definitely.. Just by looking at him. I can say he's not immortal." Liam clenched his hands and eyed Warren who's curling against him.

"I'll tell you now, the bitter truth. I've dealt with half-vampires for centuries. All of them are quite the same. They get sick. Some die.." He paused when Liam glared at him. Though Kurt remained unshaken. Being impassive is part of a vampire.

"A human's body is not like ours. They can't heal on their own. Though.. Warm. Life is evident. Unlike us. We can be called the un-dead. I chose this profession in that sense."

"Uncle.." Cros eyed the man who raised him and Kurt just smiled at him.

"Wake him up."

Liam nod and caressed Warren's hair. The younger boy tossed and Liam just lean at him.

"Wake up baby.." And speak against his ear. Warren opened his eyes and rubbed them. He look up at Liam and blinked. Liam just smiled which made Kurt left astounded. He look up at Cros who just nod, smiling as well.

"Well-well.." He shook his head and just smiled it off. He found someone like Liam would never show a smile like that. Even his nephew who rarely smile just showed one to him. Just like Scarlet Ray who wondered how can a half-vampire boy make some cold vampires own a warm smile like that.

"C'mon. Can you get up? The doctor's here." Warren nod and held his arms open as Liam lifted his up like a child to sit him up. Liam even fixed his bed-hair and he felt his forehead.

"He's still so warm."

"Let me check his temperature." Kurt was about to touch Warren but Warren move away and hid behind Liam.

"What's wrong? I wont bite." He joked and smiled warmly at Warren. Liam took Warren's hand and kissed his head.

"Let him check you or I'll take you to the hospital." Warren pouted and nod.

"Good. Kurt go ahead." Kurt just eyed their mark.. And Liam frowned.

"Haven't seen that mark in centuries."

"Liam? Don't tell me.. " Cros palm landed on his forehead with distress and he sighed hard.

"Did you forget about the ceremony with mating?! C'mon Liam.. Ardent will kill us."

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