Broken | 3

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I made it back to my house and swung the door open, seeing Aunt Tammy laying on the couch with a book open, her reading glasses pursed on her nose.

"Make sure you hop in the shower. You've got school in the morning." She said, not taking her eyes off the page she was on.

"Yeah yeah." I murmured to myself, heading upstairs to my room. I put my phone on the charger and got on my laptop, killing time until it was about 9 o'clock.

I figured I should probably get in the shower before I procrastinated any further and fell asleep, so I stood my lazy ass up and went to the bathroom to get a shower. I turned the water on and got a towel, beginning to strip down.

Once I was fully naked I stepped in the shower, but the water wasn't exactly hot and was still kind of cold, so I let out a hella girly scream 'cause the cold water hit my dick..

"Everything alright up there!?" Aunt Tammy called upstairs, causing me to flush in embarrassment even though she couldn't see me.

"Yeah!" I yelled back, grabbing some soap and beginning to wash my body. I washed my hair as well and finished my shower, turning the water off and stepping out, grabbing my towel to dry myself off.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and went to my room to change into some fresh clothes. I put on some clean boxers and a pair of sweats, not bothering to put a shirt on. I ran a hand through my wet hair, getting small water droplets on my hand.

I wiped my hand on my pants and glanced over at the alarm clock on my dresser, seeing that it was 20 minutes past 9. I was tired as hell so I decided to go to bed early, knowing that I'd have to get up early for school anyways.

I went back to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth, then hopped in bed, falling asleep pretty quickly.


I woke up to the screeching noise of my alarm, which made my eyes shoot open. I let out a mixture of a groan and a hiss, not really wanting to go to school. I managed to pull myself out of bed and went over to my dresser, pulling out some skinny jeans and a band tee shirt.

I took my sweats off and threw the clothes on, heading to my bathroom to brush my hair and my teeth.

I combed my hair and gelled it, then quickly brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and shoved my phone in my back pocket, then left my room and took the stairs two at a time, making it down in time to grab an apple.

I bit into the apple and slung my backpack over my shoulder, rushing out the door. I unlocked my car and continued eating the apple, sliding into the driver's seat and revving the engine.

I plugged my phone into the aux cord and cranked the radio up, pulling out of my driveway. I sped down the road while munching on my apple, taking a few turns as the GPS directed me to the school.

After about a 30 minutes drive I made it to the high school, whipping into the parking lot with a sharp turn. My car was a lot nicer than some of the other ones in the parking lot, mine being a black Mustang convertible. Let's just say, my aunt was hella loaded.

I unplugged my phone and put the car in park, sitting there for a few moments and giving myself a little pep talk.

"Alright, it's just a new high school. You can do this. You'll be alright, it's just a whole new set of assholes to deal with, but it'll be alright.."

Once I gave myself the motivation to go inside I got out of my car, grabbing my phone and my apple core so I could throw it away. I locked my car and put the keys in my pocket, juggling my phone and apple in my hand.

I saw a trash can a few feet away and tossed the apple into it, then opened my phone and got on Instagram, beginning to browse through my feed. But I wasn't exactly paying attention to where I was going and ran smack into someone's back, causing me to let out an annoyed 'oof' sound.

I looked up and the guy turned around, standing a lot taller than myself, me only being 5'8. He was at least 6'0, if not taller.

"Can I help you?" He asked with a bored expression, tossing a football back and fourth in his hands.

"Uh no, sorry." I stammered walking around him and continuing to look at my phone.

"Oh dear god, you again?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Gray Gray, good to see you after our shopping trip, it was really fun when you sucked my di-" Grayson quickly put a hand over my mouth to keep me from speaking.

"Do you know this dork, Grayson?" The tall guy asked, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"Uh, he's pretty creepy and keeps coming to the shop to see me."

I assumed he was talking about the coffee shop since that was really the only place I'd been in town so far, plus he worked there.

I smacked his hand away with a glare.

"Don't pretend you didn't like it.. I mean, you went down on me in the bathro-"

"Hunter, just stop talking!" Grayson yelled, whacking me on the back of the head.

"Hey! You know how long it took me to get my hair right this morning!? This shit ain't easy!" I yelled, attempting to fix my hair that Grayson messed up. "God, you're so rude."

"You want me to get him out of here?" Tall guy asked, clenching is fists as he tossed his football on the ground.

"Nah, I'll take care of him, Andy. Gimme a sec."  He said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the side of the building.

I hissed when he touched one of my more recent cuts, slapping his hand violently.

"Shit, sorry." He sighed, quickly removing his hand from my wrist.

"What, can't be around me 'cause it'll ruin your reputation?" I growled, my wrist still stinging slightly.

"No." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "My friends don't know I'm gay."


Wooh, here's another chapter. I love Hunter, I gotta say, he's probably one of my favorite characters I've created. I'm hoping to create him a sarcastic little friend or something like that, but I'm not for sure what I'm gonna do yet. Thx for reading, make sure to vote and comment! :D

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