Broken | 11

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So once again Hunter didn't pack a gym bag but one magically appears lol. Sorry guys I'm dumb af.. I made a board for Hunter also if you wanna look at that. Check out the song above too btw ^^


Coach narrowed his eyes, knowing exactly who I was talking about.

"Yeah, those are my two best football players." Coach said, scratching is prickly beard.

"Well I'm almost completely sure that that's who it was." I nodded my head, rolling my wrists since they were hella stiff from being tied up there for so long.

"So you think those two did it?" Coach sighed, suddenly looking stressed.


"Alright, I'll contact those two and consult the principal about this." He said. "Now get to class and stay out of trouble."

I nodded my head and went to find my first hour class, figuring that Ty had probably picked my backpack up for me and took it to science with him.

After searching for a couple minutes I eventually found it, swinging the door open and waltzing inside.

"Hello everyone, I'm officially back, and Coach needs to see Grayson and Andy." I said, smirking at the two of them and taking a small bow.

Andy glared at me in return.

Grayson just looked annoyed, but he also looked kind of mad, which I just thought was funny. The two of them got up and left the classroom, heading to Coach's office I assume.

I glanced around the room and saw Dylan, winking at him before I took my seat next to Ty. The rest of science went by with nothing else interesting happening and eventually the bell rang.

"Ugh, finally. That class is so fucking boring.." I sighed, heading into the hallway with Ty. He nodded his head in agreement. "Alright, see ya' later Ty." I gave a lazy wave as I headed upstairs to find my English class.

He mumbled something along the lines of "See ya'." but I didn't catch exactly what he said, I was focused on finding my English class.

I padded upstairs and made it into the hallway, seeing Grayson not too far ahead of me, deciding that I'd just follow him since we shared English class.

Once I was in the classroom I plopped down next to Grayson, not acknowledging his presence and laying my head down.

I could feel a headache coming on.

I rubbed my temples for a moment then laid my head down again, closing my eyes. I dozed off and fell asleep through most of the class, then I felt someone shaking me awake.

I jerked my head up and met the gaze of an amused Grayson, who wore a very sexy smirk.

"You got a little drool there." He said, gesturing to the small trail of spit on my face. I popped my neck and wiped the drool off my face, stretching my arms out above my head.

"Man, that was a good nap." I yawned, slowly standing up. I felt a lot better, not to mention that my headache had went away as well.

"Well, time to find whatever class I have next." I sighed, slinging my backpack on over my shoulders.

I suddenly remembered that I had PE 4th hour, letting out an irritated sigh.

I hated PE with a burning passion.

I left English class and took the stairs two at a time finally, making it to the gym and heading inside. Once I was in the locker room I stripped down, shaking my hair out of my eyes.

The fresh cuts on my wrist had finally began to heal, so it didn't hurt as bad when my shirt rubbed against it. I spotted Dylan and caught him checking me out, flashing him a smirk.

He returned the smirk, not giving a damn that I'd caught him openly staring at me. I continued glancing around the locker room, looking at the variety shirtless guys.


Once I'd changed clothes I headed out into the gym, running a couple laps to warm up. Once Coach blew the whistle we all stood on the line, then we ran a couple line drills.

I was the fastest runner out of everybody, which shocked even me. Considering I was about the size of a damn string bean and some of them other guys were fucking athletes, I was a little surprised.

We basically ran through most of PE, but Andy and Grayson got to run more than anyone. They had to run fucking 10 line-drills.

I kid you not.

It made me out of breath just watching them run! I thought Grayson was gonna faint when he was finished running, but I only felt slightly bad, considering the fact that he let Tall Guy tie me up on a fucking basket ball goal.

Coach also made them do 100 sit-ups each, 50 push-ups and 25 pull-ups.

On top of all of that, both of them also got detention for a week, which was just the icing on the cake for them.

I figured that it was either all of those punishments or they'd lose their spots on the football team. And Coach definitely wasn't gonna let that happen.

Coach finally blew the whistle, telling us to go to the locker room and change. I basically skipped in there, in a good mood knowing that Tall Guy got to run 10 line-drills.

I only felt bad for Grayson, not Andy. Andy was just a straight up dick. I mean, my dick may be straight up sometimes, but at least I'm not an actual dick..

Well, my dick doesn't exactly think straight, if you know what I mean.. But still...

Once I'd changed clothes I waited around for the bell to ring, bullshitting with Ty and my newfound friend, Dylan.

"So your name's Hunter, right?" Dylan asked, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, I just moved in about a week ago with my aunt."

"I see." He said, curiosity present in his eyes. "Where'd you move from?"

"Virginia Beach."

He nodded his head, smirking as if he'd just realized something.

"Why'd you move?"

"My parents couldn't handle my suicidal shit."

Dylan seemed surprised and sad to hear that, a frown forming on his face.

"Oh, sorry for asking, I-"

"It's fine, Dylan. People already know." I said with a small shrug, flashing the many scars on my wrists to him. Dylan seemed even more sad when I showed him my wrists, grabbing my hand and pulling me in for a very gay hug.

"You look like you need a hug." He sighed.

I widened my eyes in surprise, not expecting the sudden contact. I didn't pull away though, I just let Dylan hug me and get it out of his system.

When we pulled apart I saw Dylan look at someone behind me. I turned around and noticed Grayson standing there, looking angry, with a red and very flushed face. It was either from his anger or all the running he endured during PE, but whichever it was, he looked pissed.

I turned back around and Dylan and I made eye contact, then he grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me close and smashing our lips together.


OoOoOoOoOh, plot twist!! Bet u didn't expect that to happen, hUh!? Lol anyways, sorry for the hella late update. I'd make up some bullshit excuse but I'm tired rn so ima just say it, I got lazy. Sorry for the long ass wait but if u enjoyed the chapter then make sure to vote and comment. ❤️

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