Broken | 19

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Some Melanie Martinez cuz why not ^^


After what felt like the world's longest drive we arrived at Grayson's house.

"God, why do you drive so slow?" I groaned as we pulled into Grayson's driveway.

"I've already gotten two speeding tickets since I got my license. My folks will kill me if I get another one," He said, putting the car in park and stepping out. I unplugged my phone from the aux and got out as well, following Grayson into the house.

"Damn, your house is nice," I commented once we'd walked inside, admiring all the decoration just in the foyer.

"Yeah, my mom's into decorating so she gets a bit of OCD about that sort of thing,"

"At least she's good at what she does."

"True, I've never once had company over that didn't compliment how well decorated the inside of our house is," he said, closing the door. "Mom, I'm home!"

"Hey sweetie, oh, hi Hunter," A woman said, entering the room as she straightened her hair up.

"Hello, Mrs. Jackson," I said, finally remembering her name.

She seemed a bit nervous, constantly running her hands through her hair. "Why don't you go up to Grayson's room while I get y'all some snacks?"

I nodded my head and went upstairs, stopping once I was halfway up and out of sight.

"Grayson, I want you to be careful around that boy. He has some serious mental health issues," she said, sighing slightly. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm fine Mom, there's nothing wrong with him," Grayson replied, sounding a bit defensive. I smiled slightly at that.

"Maybe, but he has some really bad family issues, and I'm not going into detail because that's none of your business. If he wants to tell you then that's his decision to make, not mine," I could imagine that Grayson nodded his head at that.

"Alright, you two run along. I'll make y'all some snack mix or something," she said, then Grayson came back into the room shortly after. I hurried and ran up the steps and to his room, taking a guess on which one was his.

I assumed that I had the right room because of the band posters scattered about, plus there was what looked to be a slice of moldy pizza,  and clothes were lying everywhere. I looked over at his dresser and noticed a can of air freshener, causing me to grin.

Grayson opened the door and stepped inside, then I just shook my head with a small laugh. "I don't think that air freshener is doing you any good," I snickered, pointing towards the pizza with a fuzzy white spot on the crust.

"God, we haven't had Domino's in, like, two months," He said, seeming kind of shocked.

"Lord, how have you not died from breathing with that in the same room as you? You probably have some toxic mold elsewhere in here!"

"We don't speak of that." He grinned, winking as he plopped down on his bed. I grinned back, sitting down in one of his beanbag chairs.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked, scrolling through his phone even though he wasn't even looking at it.

"I dunno, what do you wanna do?"

"Well obviously I don't know, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you!" he said, setting his phone down on his nightstand.

"Well there's no need to be rude," I said, snapping my fingers sassily. Grayson rolled his eyes, though I could see a hint of a smile on his face.

"Let's just play video games then." He sighed, hopping off his bed and grabbing a couple of PS4 controllers. "Alrighty then," I said, then he tossed me a controller.

I got on my knees and leaned over to turn on his PS4, then I sat back down in one of the bean bags. Grayson plopped down beside me and we got on some shooting game that I'd never played before.

We played for a little bit before Mrs. Jackson came upstairs with some snacks, setting down a tray of food.

"Here you go, boys. Have fun," She said with a smile, then left the room. I stood up and grabbed the bowl of snack mix, tossing a handful in my mouth.

"Mmm," I said in approval. "This is pretty good."

"Yeah, my mom always makes good food," Grayson said, not even looking away from the screen. "God, it's like everyone in your family can cook," I sighed, shaking my head.

"Nah, I can't cook worth a shit. I fucked up ramen noodles one time and my dad has still never let me live that down," he sighed, chuckling slightly.

"Wow, even I'm not that bad of a cook, and I can barely even make toast," I laughed, unpausing my game.

"In my defense, I was like 13,"

"Still, that's pretty bad," I chuckled, "What'd you even do to fuck up ramen?"

"I forgot to put water in the pot," He laughed sheepishly, flushing in embarrassment.

"God, how dumb were you as a kid?" I snickered, facepalming myself.

"Let's just say that's not the first stupid thing I've ever done." he snickered, continuing to shoot some random zombies on the screen.

"Oh, I can believe that," I continued laughing for a couple of minutes, then we just played in comfortable silence. Eventually, it got kind of late and we couldn't think of anything to do, so we were just sprawled out on the bedroom floor.

"I'm bored." I sighed, staring up at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. "Me too," Grayson sighed, his arm resting on his forehead.

"What time is it, maybe we should start getting ready for the party," I suggested, taking my phone out of my pocket to check the time. My phone read 8:30 so I figured we should probably go ahead and leave soon.

"It's 8:30. do you think we should get ready and head out?" I asked, looking up from my phone and at Grayson.

"Yeah." He nodded his head and stood up, then went into the bathroom. I was left alone in his room so I just stood up and pivoted from foot to foot, waiting for Grayson to finish up since I was basically already ready to go.

"Alright, let's head out," he said once he'd left the bathroom, running a hand through his hair and messing it up again. I sighed, standing on my tiptoes and fixing his hair back in place. For whatever reason, it bugged me when he fucked his hair up.

"Okay, let's head out then," I said, then Grayson lead the way downstairs and out the door.


Updating schedule : Gone

Hotel : Trivago

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