Broken | 7

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Okay, so just reading through my previous chapters, I've noticed how random shit just appears, like how Hunter never put shoes on in the first chapter, and that gym bag that he never packed, but bear with me please.. I'm 12 so there's gonna be a hell of a lot of mistakes. Sorry 😂

Also, Ty's new lookalike is above. ^^


I attempted to open my gym bag as I walked down the hallway, eventually managing to get it open. I shuffled through it until I found a shirt and sniffed it, deeming it presentable, then I threw it on over my head.

I searched the halls for the office, unable to find it.

"Goddamn this school is huge.. I ain't ever gonna find the damn principal's office.." I grumbled as I looked around for anything that looked like it might be an office, eventually finding a door that said 'Principal's Office' on it.

I stumbled inside, almost tripping on my damn shoes, then sat down in an uncomfortable plastic chair. The secretary noticed me sitting there after a few moments, then asked, "Are you here to see Principal Wilson?"

I nodded my head, assuming that that was the principal's name. I'd never actually met the guy, I'd only met the vice principal a couple days before school started so I could get a schedule, locker, etc..

I had to sit there for a good 10 minutes before the principal came out of his office, looking displeased with me.

"Mr. Gambling, your first day and you're already in trouble? Not off to a good start, are we?"

I could tell that it was a rhetorical question but answered anyway.

"Guess not."

"Please, come in my office." He said, gesturing for me to enter the little room with a desk and 3 chairs.

I nodded my head and entered the small room, plopping down in one of the chairs. Mr. Wilson followed me inside and sat down at his desk, leaning his arms over in a mixture of annoyance and anger.

"So what have you done to get in trouble on your first day at this school?"

"Well, I got called a not-so-nice word in the locker room and threw a rock at some dude's head, then I bolted out the door and into the hallways shirtless. Then I was looking for a room to hide in 'cause this big dude was chasing me, so I ran into some random classroom after I saw some teacher in the hallway. But the classroom I ran into wasn't empty so I basically flashed the entire class with my crippling white torso, so yeah. That's the tea on that.." I rambled, fidgeting with a loose thread on my pants.

"Well then, I'm going to have to notify your aunt about this, and this is also going to go on your record as a write up. Now get back to class and stay fully clothed, I don't want to see you in here for trouble again."

I nodded my head and quickly stood up, rushing out of the office and back into the hallways. The bell rang about a minute after I entered the hallway and kids filed out of classrooms in groups, almost trampling my small self.

I saw Ty and followed him to his locker since his was almost right beside mine, then exchanged my books and shit.

I grabbed my schedule out of my backpack and looked for what class I had next, seeing geography. I figured I'd just ask Ty where geography was and started chasing him down.

"Ty! Ty, wait up!" I yelled down the hallway, attempting to catch up with him, failing miserably when I saw him walk into a random classroom.

"Goddamnit." I cursed aloud, sighing in defeat. I looked around for anyone I knew and spotted Grayson, a smile forming on my face.

I charged toward him and punched him in the arm, catching his attention as he glared at me.

"What the hell, Hunter?" He growled, smacking me upside the head.

"Ow, watch it, bitch, or you're gonna catch these hands." I held my fists up threateningly.

Grayson held a mixture of annoyance and amusement on his face, one of his eyebrows raised.

"What do you want?" He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't know where the hell geography is."

"Sounds like a personal problem." He shrugged, continuing to walk down the hall.

"If you show me where it is you get a free pass to be late." I pointed out, sounding kind of hopeless.

"Alright, fine. But just 'cause you're being fucking annoying.." He sighed, gesturing for me to follow him upstairs.

Due to the fact that Grayson was taller than me, he walked a hell of a lot faster than me, so it was hard for my little legs to keep up with his fast pace.

"Hurry up." He groaned, tapping his foot impatiently.

"It's not my fault my legs are tiny.." I sighed, running to catch up to Grayson.

We finally made it to a room that said 'Geography' on the door and Grayson swung the door open, shoving me inside.

"Hello people, I'm Hunter, the incredibly gay new student. Nice to meet you all too." I waved at the entire class, earning a few comments and snickers.

"Well, uh, nice to meet you, Hunter. Please take a seat." The teacher said, pointing to a desk at the back of the classroom.

I honestly had no idea what you learned in geography, I was just pretty sure that you learned about earth or some shit.

"Well, Hunter, welcome to geography, I'm Miss Miller. We will be studying Earth, land, atmosphere and many other things, so go ahead and grab a textbook off the shelf." Miss Miller said, gesturing to the bookshelf that held like a billion old textbooks on it.

I stood up from my seat and trudged to the front of the room, grabbing a geography book and heading back to my desk with it.

"Alright class, open up to page 69." Miss Miller instructed, causing half the class to erupt in laughter.

"Most of you are seniors, I know you've heard the number 69 before, act your age and be mature." She lectured, glaring at the jocks, who'd been laughing the loudest out of everyone.

I rolled my eyes and opened my book, getting ready to learn about whatever the hell it is that you learn about in geography.


I apologize for the hella late update, I've been sick lately and had to motivate myself to write something. Also, I changed Ty's lookalike to someone that I feel looks more like what I was picturing. Thx for reading this cringey shit, vote and comment? ❤️

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