Chapter 5

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When Hansen woke up, it was dark outside

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When Hansen woke up, it was dark outside.

What time is it? he thought to himself.

Looking at his watch he saw that it was eight o'clock.

"I didn't realize I slept that long," he said out loud.

There was a knock at the door and his mom peeked in. 

"Hey honey, I just made spaghetti. I didn't know if you were going to come down for dinner or not, so I decided to just fix you a plate and bring it to you. I see that you just woke up. Perfect timing," she said to her son, as she put the plate on the small table by his bed.

"So what did you decide?" Belle asked.

"I'm going to go. Dad was right. It would be good to just get away for a while. Plus, I'm pretty sure the whole town knows about it by now. When I went out to take a walk, Tom saw me and told me that he was sorry about the affair. My neighbors told him. I don't want to hear anyone telling me about the affair. It hurts more, when it's being talked about out loud, by not only me but everyone else as well," he said to his mom.

"Okay. We're always here if you need us," said Belle before she kissed his forehead and walked out the door. Hansen ate his food and then went to sleep.

(The Next Day)

Hansen wasn't going to go back home to pack. He wasn't stepping back into that house. So he decided to just go straight to the airport.

I'll just buy clothes when I get to Hawai'i, Hansen thought to himself.

He quickly took a shower and changed into a pair of clean clothes. He walked straight downstairs with his bag.

"Hey Mom! Dad!" he shouted out loud.

"In the living room, honey," said Belle. 

Hansen walked in the living room and saw his parents watching TV.

"I'm going to Hawai'i," said Hansen.

Dan was usually in his wheelchair, since it helped him to get around the house. Dan rolled toward Hansen and stopped right before him.

"Before you leave I want to ask you something. It's very important that you listen," Dan said as he looked at Hansen. He grabbed his hand.

Hansen got down to eye level with Dan.

"Yeah Dad?" he asked Dan with concern.

"Get me an 'I love HI' shirt," said Dan with a grin.

Hansen chuckled, "Fine."

He nodded, then looked at Belle and said, "If it's alright with you, I was wondering if you could drop me off at the airport?"

Belle nodded, then grabbed her purse, kissed her husband on the forehead, and headed outside to their car.

His parents owned an old Honda and it helped make their lives easier in many ways. It was low and easier for them to get Dan into the car. Plus, since it was only the two of them that lived at home, there was no reason for them to get a bigger car. Belle got into the driver's seat and Hansen sat in the passenger seat.

He pulled out his cell and called Jim to let him know that he was finally coming down to visit. Jim was excited and told him that he'd pick him up at the airport. When Belle got Hansen to the airport after a 35 minute drive, he waved goodbye to his mom and walked through the doors of the entrance.

He purchased his ticket to Hawai'i, checked in and got his boarding pass. When it came time for him to board the plane, he easily found his seat and put his bag in the cargo compartment above. He was lucky to get a window seat. As he sat down, he looked out his window on his right and saw other planes from different airplane companies.

"Hey my name's Frank," said a voice on his left.

He turned and saw a chubby curly-haired white man with his hand stretched out toward him. Hansen shook Frank's hand and gave a single nod.

"The name's Hansen," he replied.

 "Nice to meet you," said Frank. He leaned back in his seat and turned his head toward Hansen.

"First time going to Hawai'i?" Frank said to Hansen.

"Yeah," Hansen replied while he turned back to the window. He didn't feel like talking to Frank.

"First time on a plane?" Frank asked Hansen.

Oh no. A talker, Hansen thought to himself as he rolled his eyes.

"I hate flying. I wish there was a boat that sailed everywhere. If there was, then I'd be taking that instead. It doesn't even have to be a big boat. I would prefer it to be big, like the size of Titanic. I'm pretty sure that would be better," Frank said out loud.

Hansen turned towards Frank and said, "You do know, that the Titanic sank because of an iceberg incident, killing about 1,500 people, right?" His right eyebrow raised.

"Morbid," Frank said, then sat straight in his chair and faced forward.

"Awkward too," Frank mumbled to himself.

The intercom came on, and a flight attendant spoke while the others demonstrated the safety instructions.

"The captain has turned off the 'Fasten Seat Belt' sign, and you may now move around the cabin. However we always recommend to keep your seat belt fastened while you're seated," said the flight attendant.

"I'm going to use the bathroom," said Frank before he got up.

Hansen looked up to see where the restroom was, just in case he had to go later and saw three beautiful flight attendants looking his way. They were whispering to each other and smiling at him. One of them winked at him and waved hello.

One of them walked towards him and asked him if he wanted anything to eat. She was a white woman with pretty green eyes and her dark brown hair was in a simple bun.

"I'll take some water and whatever sandwich you're serving," said Hansen with a smile. She winked at him and said, "Right on it," then walked away.

Minutes after she walked away, Frank came back from the bathroom and sat in his seat.

He did a low wolf whistle and looked at Frank, "I don't know about you, but I'd give my left leg for a woman like that."

Hansen laughed and waited patiently for the flight attendant to come back, also noticing the fact that she didn't ask the other passengers if they would like something to eat first.

When she came back with the water and sandwich, she gave it to Hansen. When he thanked her for the food and water, he noticed that the side of the bottle had something written on it - her name with a number.

Tiffany 808-390-2568.

Frank peeked at the bottle and said, "If you don't want it, I'll take it," with a grin.

Hansen laughed and started to eat his meal. 

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