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     At the end of the week, Kore, Ayo and Itunu started their journey to Lagos. Ayo and Itunu slept on and off throughout the trip and when Kore finally got to his house, they were sleeping. He parked the car under the shade where he used as his car park and tapped Ayo. She slowly opened her eyes and he said,

"Hey. We are home." Then he got down as his gate keeper, Dan, trailed after him welcoming him back home. He opened the car door for Ayo who was trying to check on Itunu at the back. He was awake too. As soon as they stepped out of the car, Dan asked,

"Oga, shey na my Madam be this*?"

"Will you shut your mouth and just listen?" Kore said, irritated and tired from the journey. Dan held his lips.

"This is Ayo and this is Itunu (pointing at them as they all watched him), they are going to be living with us for a long while. The respect you give me, you give it to her as well. Am I clear?"

"Okay, Oga*."

"Now, help me with the bags in the car. The ones at the back seat is for me so take it to the main house, and the ones at the booth is for her, take it to the headquarters. Since, you have a spare key to the BQ, take her bags there first and when you are done, give me the key."

"Okay sir."

"Ayo, this is Dan, he is my gate keeper."

"Good evening Dan."

"Good evening Ma. Welcome to our house." Dan replied and set about taking the bags inside while Kore showed them the interior of the main house. Taking them through the rooms then he gave Ayo the back door key which was the kitchen and it led to the back where the BQ was. He gave her the BQ main door key too. Two each and then he took them to the BQ. It has two entrance, one by the front and the other by the side which had a short corridor where you could sit outside. The door was opened and their bags were already inside. The sitting room was smaller than that of the main house but it looked cozy.

Flat screen, video player were arranged by the wall.

"This is the main room and that is the guest room." Kore said pointing at the rooms which were opposite each other.

"I told Dan to get someone to clean it yesterday, so it should still be neat."

By the guest room was a corridor that led to the kitchen. It wasn't so big either but it could contain at least three normal sized people easily.

"This is the kitchen. The gas has been filled though there is no foodstuff yet. We will sort those tomorrow. I will tell Dan to get us take outs, just take a shower and relax. The bathroom and toilet are in the rooms." Kore concluded.

"Okay. Thank you so much. Thank you for bringing me into your home. I pray we won't have the cause to regret this decision." Ayo prayed.

"Amen." He answered.

"About the food. I made vegetable soup before we left home, I can just heat it and make eba*." Ayo said.

"Won't that be stressful?" Kore asked,

"Not at all. Will call you once I am done." Ayo said.

"Okay. I will see you later." He said, then he went to fix the TV and the DSTV, dropped the remote on the center table and he left the apartment and went to his own. Ayo locked the door and she took their bags into the room then she bathed for Itunu, changed his cloth and  then she did the same for herself. After which she took the bag where she packed edible stuff into the kitchen.

She checked the cupboards and saw a set of pots. She took out of it, washed it, poured the soup and placed it on the gas while she sorted the small foodstuffs she had brought.

On another face of the gas, she washed another pot and filled it with water for the eba. She had brought a turning stick as an afterthought and that was what she used to turn the garri* when the water had boiled.

Once she was done, she took Kore's food to the main house. He was making some calls and she left the food on the dining table then she went to call Dan to come with her to the BQ. She gave him his own share of the food which resulted in him thanking her profusely then she made quick calls to inform her Grandmother, her Dad and her friends that she was already settled. They all prayed and wished her well, then she ate, gave Itunu, whose eyes was glued to the TV, his food.

After eating and doing the dishes, they turned in for the night but not before Ayo whispered words of prayer to her creator.


Hello Boos and Baes,

It was when I was writing this chapter that I realized that we all know Ayo and Kore are going to date but the how and when is what we want to find out and that's why we are reading this story. 😂 😂 Well, it's w romance story so shoot me.

This chapter is kinda boring right? No too much dialogue. I will make it up to you in the chapters to come.

Starred Words

Oga, shey na my Madam be this - Master, is this my Madam?

Oga - Master

Eba- This is a Nigerian food. It is one of the swallows (foods you don't chew but some people chew them). It is made with garri, a white substance. Once,  the water has boiled or is boiling, you pour your garri in it and start turning with your turning stick till it solidifies and then eba is ready and can be eaten with any soup.

Garri- edible substance used to make eba. It can also be taken in by drinking where you pour in a bowl, add water and sugar preferably and drink using a spoon.

Leave me a comment, let me know what you think.

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