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It was a rainy Friday night at Lara's house, Ayo had arrived earlier with Itunu and an overnight bag to sleep over since Lara was the one always coming and now that Kore knew where she was, there was nothing to hide anymore and so she decided to go to Lara's.

After changing into their pajamas, the three of them prepared dinner and after eating, Ayo put Itunu to sleep because he was having mild cold then she went to join her friend in the living room.

"You didn't even ask about my date yesterday." Lara accused.

"Babe no vex. Oya gist me na. How did it go with Mr tall and fair?"

"It went so good and he was so romantic and attentive."

"Details Mama."

"Okay, we walked the gardens licking the ice cream he got us from the Domino's Pizza close to the gardens and we were just talking about all kinds of things. After an hour, we went to this beautiful art and craft shop. Guess what he did, babe."


"Ayo! Ayo!!" Lara called but Ayo was deep in thought. She leaned sideways and swatted her arm, Ayo reacted,

"Ouch! Why did you hit me na?"

"Where were you?"

"Where was I bawo? Were me not here?"

"No time for jokes. Your mind was faraway from here. You must tell me what you were thinking."

"But I thought you were gisting me about your guy."

"I was but you were not listening so you must tell me what was imprisoning your thoughts."

"Can I pass?"

"No. Not at all. Not one bit."

"I had sex..."

"With Wale?!"

"If you interrupt me again, I won't talk o. It was with Kore." Lara squealed and Ayo gave her the stink eye then Lara raised her hand signaling for Ayo to continue.

"With Kore. He came over and it happened last weekend. He wants me back and I don't know, I think I still feel the same. All week, he's been calling, texting, checking on me various times."

"So, he was the one calling you the other time?"

"Yeah. So, my issue is Wale. He actually walked in on us."

"He what?"

"Yeah. He has not spoken to me since then and I am too scared to call him."

"Girlfriend, I will say this once, before you enter any kind of relationship with Oga, you must do away with all baggage. Meaning, you have to deal with Wale whether you like it or not."

"I know. I am just, I don't know. Kore really hurt me and I am trying to see clearly and not be clouded by the hurt. Kore is a good man, not everyone can do what he did for me without taking advantage of me and then we started dating and he treated me really good but learning he is Itunu's father and all, it was all I could think of but him coming back, it just changes things. The sex, it made me think non-stop. I have not been able to stop thinking about all the times we had, everyone's warning when it all happened and all."

"Babe, everything will be fine. It will get sorted but the most important thing right now is clearing Wale."

"I will do that during the week."

"So, finally, somebody broke your mouth and you are just telling me now abi?"

"Is that what is important?"

"Yes o. You were supposed to tell me in the heat of the moment."

"Mama, tell me about this your guy jo, let's see whether he is a good fit for you or not."

"I hope you listen this time."

"All my antennas are opened."

"So, as I was saying..."


On Tuesday, Ayo closed early from work around past 4. She called Wale, it rang twice and he did not pick. She tried again and he picked up,


"Can we see?"

"What for?"

"I need to talk to you."

"I don't think I have anything to say to you."

"Please Wale, just hear me out."

"Okay. I will be in my house in few minutes time. I am driving home now."

"I will meet you there." She said and hung up. She signed out and was on her way to his house immediately.

Thirty minutes later, she rang the door bell and few seconds after, Wale opened the door. He left it open and went in to sit down.

"Good evening."


"I came to apologize..."

"For what? I don't need your apology Ayo."

"I know you are angry. Just calm down, okay? I am sorry you walked in on me with Kore. I didn't plan it, it just happened. And knowing how much you care about me, I knew I must come to clear the air between us. I am sorry it didn't, couldn't work out. Please forgive me."


"Wale please. Just forgive me."

"Is that all you came here for?"


"If that is all then you can leave."

"Wale..." She started to say but her phone rang. She dipped her hand into her bag and fished out her phone. It was her son's teacher.

"Hello... What?!!... I'm on my way right now... Right now!" She dropped the phone and left, not even a look backwards at a confused Wale.


Hello Boos and Baes,

Another short chapter? Sorry, that's how the spirit is bringing it.

What do you think happened?? 😐 😮

Leave me a comment, let me know what you think.

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