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     "Take me home." Ayo said, her voice all calm and collected after several minutes of Kore's continuous plea.

"Ayo please, let's settle this here and now."

"There is nothing to settle, it's fine. Let's just go home."

"Its fine? How can it be fine, just like that?"

"Korede, take me home or should I walk?"

"Okay." Kore said and they both stood up and head towards his car. The drive home was definitely one of the most tensed drive they've both experienced. As soon as he got to the front of her house, she picked up her purse and made to exit the car but Kore held her hand and said,

"Ayo, I know you. What happened can't just be okay by you like that. Please talk to me. Tell me what to do. I will do anything. I love you."

"Kore, please I am tired. I said it's okay. We will see later. Good night." She said pulling her hand away and exiting the car.

He just sat there, not bothering to follow her. Even when he saw the resemblance and things he did in  common with Itunu, he never imagined for once that Itunu was his son.


"Iyawo*. How was your outing with your husband?"

"Mama, it was fine. I am tired. Can I go and sleep please? Or you need me to do something for you?"

"I am fine o. I'm okay here. Why are you looking this down? Hope you are not coming down with fever or are you pregnant?"

"Mama, please, I am just tired. I need to sleep."

"Okay. Take your bath before sleeping you will feel better."

"Thank you Mama. O daaro ma.*" Ayo said kneeling down and then she stood up and moved to her room. She got out of her clothes, took her bath and spent almost an hour in the bathroom just thinking about nothing and everything.

It still felt like a dream. Her sweet sweet Kore. A rapist? She got out of the bathroom, put on her pajamas and went to lie in bed still thinking. She didn't sleep until first blush and so she slept in.

The next thing she woke up to was someone knocking the front door. She could hear because her room was close to the entrance. She picked her phone up to check the time and saw 32 missed calls from Kore! She must have accidentally put her phone in vibration mode, she thought then stood up immediately knowing he was the one. Luck was on her side as Mama was just going to open the door. She blocked her and whispered,

"Mama, if that is Kore, I don't want to see him. I will explain later. Please. I have my reasons. Don't let him come in."

"Ah-han, what...?"

"Just do this for me. I will explain when he leaves."

"Okay." Mama said and she went back to her room while Mama went to open the door. Sure enough, it was Kore.

"E kaaro ma*."

"Baba mi. Se daadaa leji?*"

"Yes ma. Eyin nko ma?*"

"I woke up really fine. You want to see Ayo abi? Hmm, she has gone to her father's town o. She didn't tell you?"

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