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NB: Yoruba words are quite much here but it is nothing you can't handle.
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Two hours after Ayo and Itunu left, Kore knocked on Mama's door. She opened it and he greeted bowing slightly,

"Good evening Mama."

"Korede Omo-Oba.* Good evening to you. Come in." Mama replied and invited him. Once they were seated, Kore asked,

"Mama, what about Ayo? And Itunu? Are they back? The house seem silent."

Mama answered, "The house is silent because they are gone."

Kore asked, "Gone?"

She bobbed her head in confirmation and he asked again, "What do you mean, Mama?"

She replied, "She left for Lagos not quite long today."

He asked, "She left?"

"Yes, she did. Though before she left, she told me everything. Korede, why did you also behave that way, ehn? Don't you know the Yorubas say, Asepamo lo wa, asegbe kan o si. You can keep a secret but whatever you do, whether good or bad, it can't just slide, you will get the result later." She explained to Kore who was already crying. He came forward and prostrated, pleading,

"Mama, please, you have to help me beg her. Beg her to take me back. I regret my actions and I will never deliberately hurt her."

"Kore, stand up. Stop all these tears. You are a man."

He sat up but still on the floor then he asked, "Mama, what do I do now? I can't live without Ayo. She is a huge part of me. Losing her is going to put a hole in me, in my life, in my heart."

Mama sighed then said, "What she told me was that she wanted space and time. She is still hurt and angry but I am sure she will get over it soon and come back to you."

"So, Mama, are you saying I shouldn't go to Lagos to see her? I need to see her and Itunu. I miss their face. I miss them and I am tired of not being able to do anything about it."

"Se o fe gbo?* Even if you go to Lagos, waa ni suuru ni o*. Suuru gidi* because that girl that I am looking at, ko setan lati da e lohun o.*"

"Okay Mama. Let me go back to the Palace and make some plans myself."

"O da. Ko buuru.*"

"Yes Ma. Ese Ma*. Before I leave for Lagos, I will bring some food stuffs for you ma."

"Ah! Eyi t'e gbe wa si wa n'bi*, I have not even finished them."

"It does not matter Mama."

"O da, mo ti gbo o.*"

"Yes ma. Thank you for everything Ma. I will be calling you to keep you up to date on whatever happens."

"Okay. Thank you my dear. God will solve all these. The devil is just trying to come between us, ko de le pin yin ni ya.*"

"All right Mama. Good night." Kore said and exited the door.

He drove back to the Palace in record time and was about going straight to his room without glancing at the King's seat which was occupied when his father called him. He turned and saw his mother seated with him on a sofa and then he walked to them and prostrated,

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