Why Is It Following Me?

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When the rain had cleared we loaded up the truck and drove out into the outskirts of town. The rain hadn't stopped till late at night so we decided to stop at a little hotel just outside the city to get some rest. We'd have a better chance of not running off the road in our shaken state if it was daylight.

The clerk wasn't in much better shape. Her voice and hands shook as she gave us our room number and key. We settled down in our room, but none of us slept that night. We could hear the howling of the creatures as they roamed the night and the screams of their victims in the distance.

We laid there until the howls died down, the night suddenly going quiet. I don't recall how much time had passed, but eventually we heard the sound of heavy footfalls and low growls as the creatures passed by our door. They shuffled and sniffed, scratching around the bottom of some of the doors.

I had shared terrified glances with my parents before we all started rooting around in our luggage for our guns. There was a loud scrapping noise as a creature clawed at our door. The creature outside was snorting loudly as its clawing grew more persistent. It could smell us.

We agreed to make a break for the car and get back on the road. Dad positioned himself to open the door and Mom and I readied ourselves to fire.

Dad wrenched the door open to reveal a creature that was half as tall as a man. Its furry hide was a dark black its claws even darker. It looked cat-like, with a long thin tail and needle-like whiskers that curled crookedly at their tips. Its yellow eyes glared at us, its mouth open in an angry snarl that showed off its yellowish fangs and let its tongue hang out of its mouth.

Its black nose twitched as its tufted ears flattened against its skull. It lashed its fluff tipped tail and tensed its muscles; glistening black claws sliding back out of its paws as it prepared to pounce.

My mother and I opened fire.

~ ~ ~

I wrinkled my nose as a cold breeze brushed against my cheek. I blinked at the greenish light around me. Where was I again? I seemed to be in a tree. Oh right, I was still in the gardens and I'd climbed a tree after escaping that cannibal. It was morning though... Had I slept through the night? Must have.

I carefully sat up on the branch I'd been laying on and peered down through the branches. If I was lucky the cannibal would be asleep by now and I could try for the exit again. I'd imagine it was probably dead on its feet if it hadn't slept during the daytime yesterday.

I inhaled sharply as I caught sight of the silver haired cannibal curled up beside the base of the tree. It appeared to sleeping heavily, chest rising slowly with its quiet breaths. Great, how was I supposed to get down now? Maybe if I was quiet I could slip past? It did look to be in a pretty deep sleep.

I swallowed as I slowly made my way down the tree. The cannibal didn't stir at the sound of rustling leaves and I let out a sigh of relief. I was halfway down the tree now, carefully navigating the branches. I placed my foot on a knot that was in a bend of the crooked trunk. My heart stopped as my foot slipped on the wet bark and I was sent down, headfirst onto the cannibal.

I yelped at the impact, shoulder and everything else throbbing as the cannibal jerked upright with a deep snarl. I held my breath as it viciously glared around the area before its gaze finally settled on me.

I swallowed and took a shaky breath. I was halfway lying on the cannibals back, too close to be able to escape if it decided to eat me.

The creature regarded me for a moment before its gaze softened and it let out a yawn. It looked back at me with half lidded eyes and grumbled a string of soft growls and hisses.

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