Defender Of My Honor

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I sighed, shifting a bit to nuzzle further into the warm fur against my cheek. There was a lazy warmth in my bones that I hadn't felt in a while. It was nice.


I slowly blinked, awareness coming back. I'd fallen asleep it seemed. And the surface beneath me was moving with a slow rhythm.

The creature had moved from my lap at some point and I was now curled over him with my head on his shoulder...

I felt my stomach tighten. I wasn't sure if it was because of my situation or if it was just hunger.

The creature shifted a bit underneath me, but he settled after a moment with a breathy purr. I could feel a light tingle on my skin from the vibrations of it.

I took a tight swallow. Right. Okay then.

The creature seemed to be in a fairly deep sleep, maybe I could slip away?

I carefully sat up, eyes watching the creature, and scooted away. He shifted, a grumble leaving his lips, but seemed otherwise undisturbed.

I found my book off to the side and retrieved it before quietly making my way out of the room. I paused and took a moment to breath once I'd made it up the stairs and into the hallway.

Okay, that happened. I'm just going to ignore that, that was a thing that happened. Again.

Now what? What time was it anyway? Unfortunately, there weren't any window here, I'd have to go outside if I wanted to know.

My stomach chose that moment to growl, the low gurgle sounding overly loud in the silence. I bit my lip, outside it was then.

I made my way out to the patio and found that it was still daylight, albeit fairly close to sunset. I'd have to eat quickly and wrap it up as soon as possible.

I hurriedly heated up a can of chili and stuck a spoon in it once it was done. I ate at a slower speed though, enjoying the taste of the spices. I hadn't gotten to have something like this in quite a while. I keep forgetting to add more variety in my diet in regards to canned foods... I should try harder.

I was a little over halfway through with my dinner when I noticed the soft pad of paws on grass. I glanced up, brow furrowed.

I froze, muscles going stiff. Before me was a cannibal, but not my cannibal.

It stood there on all fours, head tilted slightly and eyes narrowed as it watched me. Its hair was an ashy, salt and pepper color, but unlike my cannibal, it was shorter with jagged edges. Kept cut by claws?

Its clothes seemed to be less patch-worked too, a solid tan color and an overall better kept look to them. Maybe it could actually sew since it was lacking my cannibals' weird claws? This creature's hands were far more human, the claws still there, but not as pronounced. And it definitely had finger tips.

But, I'd heard paws? I found my answer as the creature moved somewhat closer, shifting to the side somewhat. Its back legs were covered in fur of the same ashy shade as its hair. They also widened out into large cat-like paws, their claws not quite fully retracted.

The creature's eyes were an eerie yellow, and I could feel the hairs on my neck start to stand as it continued to regard me.

It wasn't attacking though. That was something... But this was my creature's territory. Why would this cannibal be here? Did it want to challenge him or was this one of my creature's fellow clan members?

I felt my throat tighten as the cannibal crept closer. It came to a stop at the edge of the patio and proceeded to sniff the air. Maybe it just hadn't attacked yet because it was confused by my presence? I tensed, and readied myself to bolt.

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