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It had been a few days since we'd gone out to Corner Cats. Turns out, soap was useless. Didn't help the stains either.

Still, it was nice to have. My hair and clothes were cleaner than they'd been in quite a while. It was nice to take the time to finally get old stains out of my clothes. Nice to get my hair properly clean.

Sil hadn't been sure what to make of it the first time I lathered up his hair. He'd hissed at me at, but soon fell silent as I'd worked. It'd taken a bit longer to coax a purr from him, but eventually he came to accept the addition of soap into our lives.

It also seemed that he had no intention of giving up trying to speak... He'd let it go for a day, but I'd caught him practicing on his own more than once. After the third time, I'd bitten my lip and gave in.

I started putting more effort into it, actually trying to teach him my language. We worked, but there was little improvement. Yet, it almost seemed like he might be capable if we kept at it.

Somehow, it had also turned into a two way street, Sil attempting to teach me cannibal speak too. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was impossible. I kept my mouth shut and did my best to improvise and choke out what I could.

Though, I wasn't always quite sure what I was supposed to be saying. Sil was pleased enough with my progress despite it.

And so life went on. Ash had not come to visit since the day of Sil's exile; something we were both grateful for. Alongside that was gratitude for the fact that he and the leader had hauled off Scales' remains with them as they'd left. His blood had long since been rinsed down the drains by the water leaking from the destroyed pipe system.

I was returning from a breakfast of canned fish chowder when I stepped into the center room. Sil had opted to stay in bed, still lazy in the morning hours.

I gave a yawn, only to come to a stop as I reopened my eyes. I blinked as I took in the form of Willow emerging from the hallway across from me.

She snorted when she saw me, her lips curling into a grimace as she gave me a nod. "Boy."

My brow furrowed. "Is everything okay?"

She gave a huff. "I was sent to speak to your mate about the conditions of his exile. The leader and his mate are still debating the nature of his trial."

I raised a brow. "So they've decided that there will be a trial?"

She nodded. "If he should choose to except it." Her lips turned down into a scowl. "And if those two idiots ever make up their minds."

"I see... So it'll be awhile before we really have to worry about it?"

She nodded. "Knowing them, we'll be well into the summer before it's decided."


She closed her eyes for a moment before she spoke again. "Either way...Sil, was it?" She sent me a look.

I nodded.

"Sil has healed up fine. You've done a good job."

I bit my lip, not sure how to take the praise when she was frowning like that.

She shifted then, readjusting the grip on her staff. "Well, I must be going now. Several pups decided it would be fun to play in poison ivy." Despite the distaste in her tone, a smirk slowly curled onto her lips.

She shook her head and spared me one last glance before heading down the hall behind me. "Take care of yourself, fool."

"Yeah, sure. You too."

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