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I blinked my eyes open, body warm and a sweet scent tickling my nose. Morning...

I curled closer to Sil, rubbing my nose into the warmth of his chest. He gave a light sigh in his sleep, his breath tickling my bangs.

I made a light 'hm' as I let my eyes fall closed again. Ah, sleep, warmth, perfect. What more does one need?

I snorted as my stomach growled. Food apparently.

Sil gave a grumble, twitching before nuzzling into my hair. He gave me a quiet 'garf', his standard morning greeting as of late.

I sighed. "Morning. I suppose we have to get up now, don't we?"

He grumbled, but made no attempt to move. We ended up laying around for a while longer, neither of us keen on getting up. But I was soon forced to get up and leave Sil's warmth to sooth the ache in my stomach.

I slinked out of his grip and sat up to stretch.

Sil blinked an eye open, groaning before a string of growls trickled from his lips.

I gave him a grin. "I don't know about you, but I think it's really probably about time for breakfast at this point." I stood, making my way to the door. "You coming?"

He snorted, and slowly dragged himself to his feet. I bit my lip as I saw him wince, quickly pulling his weight off his bandaged leg.

"Maybe you shouldn't climb stairs like that?"

He gave me a frown before puffing up his frame, head held high.

My frown deepened. "You don't have to come with me. Really you probably shouldn't if it's that bad." It hadn't looked that bad, but then again, I hadn't thought to check for damage to the bones...

He ignored me and marched his way past me and to the stairs.

I watched him with wide eyes, brow furrowed as I followed. He started hauling himself up the stairs once I'd joined him. He was slow, but still faster than yesterday. He seemed to have gotten better at maneuvering without using that leg. Still, my frown deepened with every quiet hiss he gave.

We made it outside, but Sil was panting, his jaw clenched and eyes wincing. There was a grimace marring his lips that twitched every time he took a step.

I watched him with a cold tightness in my stomach. He really didn't need to go any further.

I moved to stand before him, crossing my arms in front of me as I came to a stop. I shook my head. "You need to stay here."

He huffed and gave me a grumble, but stopped walking.

I pointed at him and then to the ground. "Stay." My tone was sharp, firm.

He gave a weak growl that slowly trailed off to a whine, but I held my ground. His shoulders sagged and he mumbled at me, a frown on his lips. But he soon proceeded to lie down, curling up and watching me with a glazed look.

I took a breath. I cast a glance around; the grass was short enough here not to be too much of a fire hazard. There was even an oddly bare batch of dirt a few paces away. "I'll be back..."

I turned and made my way to the patio, a whine trailing after me. I bit my lip and quickened my pace. Scurrying about, I picked up a random can and a spoon. I scooped up an armful of 'firewood' and then I was scampering back to the library.

Sil greeted me with a bark, his color looking somewhat better than it had before. His breathing was easier and his lips no longer held a pained grimace. Good.

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