Chapter 6

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It was the sunrise which woke Lyra in its final stages.  For a moment she was drowsy, everything fogged by the warmth of the body against her and the softness of the furs beneath her.  She'd fallen to the side in her sleep, and laid with her back pressed against the slumbering dragon.  Her heart lurched as she snapped awake; if she didn't move soon, breakfast would be late. 

Clambering to her feet against the daze of recent sleep, Lyra wondered if she could make it to the meat locker and back before Amaris grew impatient.  Even when only humans were involved, Lyra had learned never to assume security.  The ground always shifted beneath one's feet if they felt it or not, and any day it could send tremors through their skeleton, shattering it with one tectonic shiver.  It was wise to always tread lightly, to maintain a stance that can shift balance in response to the movements of the Earth.

The most Lyra could do to preserve her life was continue to perform her duties better than a replacement would; she would do so religiously.  Peering cautiously at Amaris to confirm she was still asleep, she began to walk toward what she presumed to be the entrance of the cell. 

It was only a matter of seconds before Amaris seemed to notice her absence, and partially opened one gleaming silver eye.  "Stay..." Amaris purred, and gently wrapped her tail around Lyra's waist, placing her back beside her.

"Your breakfast will be late if—" Lyra began.

"Your replacement will bring it," Amaris cut her off. 

Lyra's face turned white.  She was silent for a moment as dread filled her along with the stupidity she had tried so hard to avoid feeling.  Amaris wished for a replacement after all; it was time to die. Lyra felt she should have known better than to consider surviving past two days.  She winced and closed her eyes, awaiting Amaris's strike.

"Hey."  Lyra felt Amaris's tail brush against her cheek, causing her to look up.  She was stunned not to see a hint of malice in the dragon's eyes. "I didn't mean it like that.  Someone else can bring food while you rest," Amaris reassured.  Examining Lyra's unchanged expression, she added, "I won't eat them, either.  Rest.  You've barely slept."

Lyra was far too awake now to fall back asleep.  "What do you want with me?" Lyra's voice shook with the question she'd been too afraid to ask.  Amaris's eyes fell upon Lyra far too attentively, as if trying to see through her again.  Lyra averted her eyes to the floor.

"You believe I'm going to eat you eventually, that I'm simply toying with you now."

"Yes," Lyra said quietly, afraid to look up.


"I don't understand what else you could want from me."

Amaris laughed.  The sound was airy, soft.  The contrast to her expectations caused Lyra to look up.  Amaris's eyes were warm.  "You don't?  You're the only human to show me compassion since... before I was imprisoned."  Sparks flew as she ground her teeth and turned to scowl at the emptiness during the last word.  Lyra was terrified for a moment by her expression, her eyes ignited with a molten rage which threatened to burn all it touched as she scowled into the distance.  It was fleeting, as Amaris quickly brought her thoughts away from the source of her rage.  Her expression softened again as she looked back at Lyra.  "I decided to spare you when you apologized.  I haven't meant harm since."

"Then why did you threaten to eat me several times after?"  Lyra blurted out before she could decide her situation was too precarious to do so, and immediately froze in panic.  Amaris smirked.

"You're entertaining when flustered.  It's tempting to tease a little.  I also wasn't yet willing to let a human know I placed any value on them, after spending so many years loathing them all.  Pride can be rather difficult for a dragon to manage."

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