Chapter 19

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"It's almost like you're a mighty dragon," Jex's voice caused the water surrounding Amaris to waver for a moment; it surrounded her in the shape of her form, creating a massive crystalline dragon which dwarfed Jex.  As if only feigning interest to humor Amaris, Jex's eyes quickly shut again as she laid back upon the sand. 

Amaris frowned, and dropped the water in embarrassment when it echoed the expression, supposing she was fortunate Jex hadn't witnessed, already half-asleep in the blazing sunlight.  While the tropical waters were usually a blanket around Amaris, she felt a chill seep in from the shore.  "Very few dragons in the galaxy can do what I can; I thought you might have wanted to see."

"Did I not just compliment you?  What more do you want from me, worship?"  Jex opened her eyes to glare as she hissed.

"I suppose I want nothing more," Amaris said calmly. 

"Then you might finally let me sleep; I am only exhausted because I let you drag me to the moon and back.  I'll watch your little performance after I've had a chance to rest," Jex said, closing her eyes and turning her back to Amaris as she found a comfortable position for slumber.

Without another word, Amaris dove underwater, the vibrant soundscape of the ocean roaring over the land and the sky.  Her markings became mirrors as the rest of her seemed to melt into the water.  Creating a current around her, Amaris cut through the sea at a blinding speed.  By the time she surfaced to admire the sun beginning to set, Jex was imperceptible from the distance.

A pod of orcas spotted the mirrors of her markings and chirped in fascination as they pranced closer.  Amaris dove back under to watch in amusement as they examined the odd flashes of light and chattered theories amongst themselves. 

In the depths something stirred.  Amaris redirected a jet of boiling water before it could pick off the most oblivious of the pod. The orcas scattered at the sight of the serpent who rose from the depths, nearly rivaling Amaris in size. 

The serpent's second attempt to scald its fleeing prey was sent directly into its face.  As it screeched and spasmed in pain, Amaris directed a current behind the orcas to sweep them far from its senses.

Amaris snickered as the serpent scowled around for a foe to take vengeance upon, its eyes unable to cut through Amaris's camouflage.  With a screech at nothing, the serpent surfaced for air before its search for a new target.  Realizing it had been a while since a fight had given her reasonable outlet for her frustrations, Amaris wondered how much restraint she would need to make their battle last longer than moments, and if holding back would make it too boring to bother.

There was no warning of the other dragon's descent until she had already landed pristinely upon the surface of the water, tearing the serpent from the sea as if she was a bird plucking a worm from the Earth. 

Uncertainty chased off Amaris's smile, her eyes widening at the sight.  Even with the water distorting her image, her size indicated she was a star.  The massive serpent was dwarfed by the vicious talons curled around it, and with a slight tensing of her grip, the sound of ribs snapping silenced the beast.  As she devoured it, she revealed fangs the size of Amaris's hands.  Such a titan could easily snuff out any annoyance; perhaps it was best to leave before she mistook Amaris as competition for her prey. 

Before Amaris could do so, the other dragon plunged her head underwater, her misty, owl-like eyes landing on Amaris immediately.  She attempted to speak, which led to laughter at the bubbles her voice had become.  Her eyes moved from Amaris to the surface and back; her smile melted the frostbite Jex's voice had left.

Amaris crawled up from the water as if the surface was solid, standing before the blue giant.  "I thought only stars had enough control over gravity to stand on water," she said, eyeing Amaris curiously, "and I have not seen anyone move through water like that.  How do you manage it?"  The stranger's eyes were dancing at the sight of Amaris; it felt wonderful. 

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