Chapter 17

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Amaris stunned Lyra with the number of possessions they now owned as she dumped the contents of both bags in the center of their home.  A slim mat rolled up in several blankets of varying thicknesses occupied the first bag, along with more lengths of fabric for draping wrapped around dishes.

The second bag contained several pots and pans smithed from a dark metal which revealed hues of indigo and flashes of yellow when hit by light at certain angles, along with a chrysoprase knife set wrapped in colorfully embroidered sheaths, a simple wooden cutting board, canvas bundles wrapped in twine, and a small wooden box which was cold to the touch.  An incantation was written in moss across the lid.  "The people of Erisimar have an extensive knowledge of magic," Amaris said, noticing the questions in her gaze.

"How fascinating."  Lyra glanced around and said, "now that we have things to fill it with, I think I'll begin setting up our home," in hopes to veer conversation away from the city. 

Grabbing the bundle of bedding, Lyra selected the spot most shielded from the sun to unroll the mat, layering the blankets on top of it.  Amaris began to unwrap the dishes and sort them into a pile separate from their clothing as Lyra unwrapped a bundle of canvas to reveal an array of fragrant fruits which sweetened the air.  "They overharvested this morning, so I was encouraged to take some of nearly everything they grow.  It is refreshing to encounter such hospitality," Amaris said, glancing in the direction of the city as if the forest didn't obscure it.

Narrowly avoiding a shudder as the conversation swerved toward treacherous territory, Lyra changed its direction again.  She unwrapped a bundle of vegetables as she said, "I know it isn't filling for you, and you've probably already eaten, but I can make something for you." 

Lyra was still formulating a recipe and examining her resources when Amaris answered gleefully, "I would like to prepare something for you this time.  It will be my first time cooking like a human!" The offer melted Lyra, who forgot to worry about the city as a smile grew across her features. 
A frost rose from the strange box as Amaris retrieved two thick slabs of garnet-colored meat; her favorite fish to hunt seemed to be a staple in Erisimar, and the cuts she was given were only different from a fresh kill by a number of hours. As Amaris placed them on the cutting board she surveyed the spices, selecting the hand-labeled jar of spices Maiara had given her along with instructions when Amaris expressed a desire to learn how to prepare it.

Amaris rubbed a generous amount on the outside, and retrieved a frying pan from one of the piles she had begun to sort their possessions into, placing it flat on her palm.  With controlled breaths Amaris focused on creating a small flame, the task of keeping it within a narrow temperature range laborious in ways an all-out demonstration of her power was not.  Once Amaris had attained the proper temperature, the enraged hiss of meat against the pan began the portion of cooking which was most difficult.

The joy hung around Amaris like a halo when it came out beautifully, a sear on the outside while the center remained bright red.  She carefully sliced it before offering it to Lyra on a plate, popping a slice into her mouth which was thin on one end and nearly see-through on the other. Before Lyra could offer her one of the nicer slices, Amaris made a face. "I am perhaps biased; meat that has been cooked at all tastes overdone to me." 

Lyra sampled it, and felt the sensation of her future self looking back at the moment of them sharing their first meal in their new home, at the saccharine gesture of Amaris learning this skill just to return old favors.  "It's perfect," she responded to Amaris's warily expectant gaze. 

Lyra disregarded a small pang of jealousy at the way Amaris's face echoed the sunrise in her smile, as if she had already taken root in new Earth and bloomed in its climate, while the same light failed to cease Lyra's wilting.  After all the confrontation involved with her imprisonment, the friendships born from desperation and the love she'd found when she lowered her guard, Lyra imagined she should be cured.  She should have been eager to explore the city the moment she was able; seeking more connections should be a natural urge.  She should at least have been able to match Amaris's eagerness, who had far more reason to be wary of humanity than she did, yet smiled in the direction of the shore.  It must have been a failure on her part along the way; even in darkness Amaris turned her leaves to the sun as she grew to grasp it, while Lyra was sown in shadow and let her leaves hang toward the ground.

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