Chapter 16

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As if they had waited patiently for the end of a grand performance, the birds began to chatter amongst themselves once more, regrouping, or perhaps critiquing the theatrics. Amaris didn't realize she'd turned her markings to mirrors until a flock of jewel-toned parrots perched upon her nose. She shifted her markings back to white. They shrieked, and took to the skies.

Amaris's legs were weak, her mouth dry as she carved into the mountain to free Lyra. She knew Lyra was not distant enough for anything Jex said to be lost. Her heart twisted at the thought of fear returning to Lyra's eyes as they fell upon her, the monster meant only for killing, the monster which must aim to kill her in time. Amaris knew Lyra couldn't be blamed for believing it; even if she could shed her skin, she would still be stained by the blood she had spilled. She shifted to her "human" form and waited nervously as Lyra's footsteps scurried for the light.

Lyra paused when she reached the entrance of the tunnel, her eyes fearfully looking over Amaris. Amaris's heart broke for only a moment before Lyra astonished her with a relieved smile, "You're not hurt." She nearly leapt into Amaris's arms, "You were amazing."

Amaris eagerly returned the embrace, although the anxiety wouldn't be gone until she said it. "Lyra... the things Jex said... I need you to know they're not true. I wouldn't...."

"I think she said what she thought would be most hurtful to hear," Lyra released Amaris from the burden of finishing the sentence she drew out, "I trust you, Amaris. That hasn't changed." Her feet left the ground as Amaris's embrace grew closer, thankful tears at the corners of her eyes.

A partial sob escaped Amaris, and she laughed in apology, "I was worried you would be afraid of me again."

"It takes more than some creep jabbering away to frighten me," Lyra reassured, kissing Amaris on the forehead. Words from an enemy were worthless; enemies were simple, as was hatred. While she couldn't deny Jex was horrifying, she feared only the fangs and the claws. "Do you think she'll be back?" Her mind lingered on the fangs and the claws for a moment, recalling how the sunlight glinted off their razor edges with a shudder.

"Yes, but I think I might actually be able to defeat her." A prideful grin spread across Amaris's face as she realized Lyra had yet to see her true power. She reached a hand toward the ocean, summoning Lyra's weight in water.

The sight of water rushing between branches as if a stream in the air was natural stole a small gasp from Lyra. The water landed before her as a live yet shapeless creature. It did not lack in personality what it did in form; it bowed before its performance, and promptly became a crystalline version of her as it stood tall. "How are you doing that?" She jumped as it imitated the subtle motions of her speech, and laughed when it was a reflection of her surprise.

"The moon is my celestial body, and the moon's gravity is what shifts the tides." Amaris beamed, her pride growing with the amazement in Lyra's tone, the joy in her laugh. Lyra turned her attention from the water to Amaris, the warmth in her eyes outmatching the sun.

The water crashed to the ground as Amaris threw her arms around Lyra. She was salvation, the ivy which grew upon ruins to bring life to forgotten spirits. The dress which had been easily slipped out of before snagged in its zipper as Lyra attempted to remove it, and Amaris tore it off to help.

Only a moment passed of their hands roaming one another as their lips met before Lyra said, "Wait. That was all the clothing I have. Didn't you say there are other people on this island?"

"Oh... I... I am so sorry," Amaris's face dropped as she apologetically placed Lyra back on her feet.

"It's fine, in the heat of the moment I forgot about that too, but..." Lyra hid a small smile as she sighed heavily, "I guess that means I'll have to avoid the other humans now."

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