Chapter 19

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"So that's why you were moody." Yoongi says finding Tae alone on a room. "" I'm sorry. Is just.... I can see the love between you guys. I want that love too but..." Tae starts but Yoongi interrupt him with a kiss. "You're a dumb ass." Yoongi says after the kiss to a very shocked tiger.

After that moment and a lot of talk, the two hybrids leave the organization hand in hand, happy. Taehyung went all the say jumping and jumping smiling big with Yoongi looking at him smiling while shaking his head amazed by him.

"Calm down Tae!" Yoongi says laughing. "NO!" Tae screams laughing still jumping only stopping when they get to the others work places.

Seeing the other hybrids getting closer to them Tae tries to take his hand from Yoongi but the panther hybrid doesn't let his hand and squeezes harder, making Tae look at him shock for a second then he looks down and smiles and squeezes back waiting for the others.

The three hybrids arrive, and they look at their hands confused, but they smile when they see Yoongi smiling at them and confirm what they were thinking, and they look a Tae that was looking at the ground scared and embarrass, the boys don't say anything, so they start going home with Joon and Jin going first also hand in hand while Hobi runs to Tae side and takes is hand smiling bright making head Tae shoot up and look at him and Hobi pets his ears with the other hand not saying anything.

*With Y/N*

I was watching TV waiting for my hybrids when they all enter home. "Hi boys!" I say going to welcome them and help them with their coats when Yoongi came to me and whisper me very low. "Kiss Tae on the lips, his gonna like it. Believe me." And I look at him confused but trusting him I do what he says. "Hello Tae!" I say kissing him on the lips making him the happiest hybrid ever and the hugs me with his tail swinging a lot.

"I need to talk to all of you." Tae says to us looking confident, so we all went to the living room and seat looking at Tae that was up in front of us. "Well...this past days I was...moody...because everyday I would see Y/N kissing you and seeing all of you treating each other with love. I'm not saying you didn't do that to me! Is just it wasn't the same love." Tae saying playing with his tail with his ears down while talking. "Tae...why didn't you tell us that?" I ask him. "I didn't know if you guys wanted and I didn't want to ruin our family. Today I freaked out and I yell at Yoongi..." "You yell at Yoongi and survived!" Hobi says joking making us all laugh and Yoongi hit him with his tail. "I yell at him about everything, and he kissed me, I was so happy! I know I have Yoongi but I want to know about you guys..." Tae says smiling at Yoongi and then looking at us nervous. "I always loved you TaeTae!" I say hugging him and kissing him making his tail swing more. "I love you too!" Hobi half screams crushing Tae in a hug and kissing him too making Tae tail swing even more in happiness.

"I always knew you couldn't resist my face!" Jin says joking as always making Tae laugh and Jin also kisses him. "But I love you too." Now Tae is looking nervous at Namjoon who gets up serious. "Next time you're feeling down tell us. I love you too." Namjoon says smiling kissing him making Tae scream and hug us all. "I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. THANK YOU!"

*Week later*

It's been a week since Tae confessed to all of us and I notice his happier than ever, he and the others, I'm happy everything is going well.

I'm on my way to home when I see a familiar hybrid outside his house.

"Jimin!" I say happy seeing the hybrid again. "Y/N! H...Hi!" He says a little scared but smiling at me. "Are you and Jungkook okay? You guys need anything?" I ask him worried. "Were fine. Thank you." He says nervous not stopping looking behind at the door. "Why are you here alone?" I ask. "I'm waiting for master and Kookie." He says playing with his fingers. I was talking when the door suddenly opens making Jimin jump and look at the ground. "You again! What do you want!" The man says leaving the house with Jungkook that was looking at me with his big eyes. "You know what I don't care. Let's go stupid boys!" He says passing by me going against my shoulder and the two hybrid follows behind me not before waving goodbye at me secretly and I wave back smiling at them and worried.

I stay there a few minutes watching them pass by me on the car when I hear someone screaming my name. "Y/N!!!!" I look behind and I see my tiger hybrid running at me happy on full speed. "Hi Tae!" I say laughing when Tae gets to me and spins me in the air kissing me. "Hi guys!" I wave at the others that arrive at us laughing. "What are you doing outside Y/N?" Hobi asks confused. "I just saw Jimin and Jungkook." I say and everyone was serious. "And?" Yoongi asks looking at my eyes worried. "They seemed right, Jimin still a little scared, but they seemed normal." I say serious making Yoongi and Namjoon nod at me understanding.

"I miss them." Tae says. "I know you do honey." I say petting his ears. "Will find something! Don't worry!" Hobi says attacking Tae with tickles making Tae laugh and start running away from him. "Okay boys! Stop him! Come on let's go home! I'm tired!" Jin says trying to stop them but being ignored. "DON'T IGNORE YOUR HYUNG!" He says, and they finally notice his angry face and the two energetic hybrids runs away from Jin who started going after them.

Me, Yoongi and Namjoon stay laughing looking at them. Yoongi hugs me putting his tail on my waist making Namjoon also hug me putting his head on top of mine. "We need to do something about Jimin and Jungkook." Namjoon says. "We don't have proof about nothing Namjoon." Yoongi says looking at him. "Maybe we should spy on them." Joon says. "You guys don't even think about it. I'm not gonna lose you. Will think about something." I say making them stop.

*Later that night*

It was late at night when I woke up with strong and loud bangs of the front door. I get out of the bedroom leaving Yoongi asleep and I quickly go open the front door to a very inpatient person.

"What do....OMG JIMIN!" I scream seeing the corgi hybrid hurt crying full of blood in front of me. " us." He says and he collapses on my arms. "GUYS! HELP ME! GUYS!" I scream from the others scared with Jimin on my arms.

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