Chapter 28

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The three of us stand and Jungkook puts us behind him protecting us but nothing could protect us from what we saw.

Taehyung beat up and bleeding almost passing out in the middle of two men.

Not men.

Other hybrid tigers.

The two hybrid tigers throw Taehyung like he was nothing, luckily Jungkook catches him before he hits the ground. "Jungkook." Whispers Taehyung in pain. "Why are you doing this?!" I ask angry but more scared. A bold man with a snake tattoo on his head approach us making Jimin put me behind him. "Well little girl, you took my hybrids from me, now I want them back with new extras of course." He says looking up and down to Jimin and Jungkook who were looking at the man aggressively. "They aren't animals for you to keep!" I say. "Well they are part animals aren't they sweety." The man smirks. "You son..."I start but he silences me.

"I wouldn't finish it if you want your hybrids safe. Let's go." He says leaving with the two tiger hybrids making Jungkook finally rest on the ground by using all is force to keep him and Taehyung safe.

"Taehyung!" I say kneeling next to Taehyung caressing on his hair making him move. "Hey Y/N. They told me you left me." Taehyung whispers in pain. "Never TaeTae!" I say kissing his forehead. "I knew they were lying." He says smiling a little. "Rest now. You're safe in our arms now." I say and he nods failing asleep on Jungkook arms.

"Do you think they got the others too?" Jimin asks. "I don't think so." I say. "But I know for sure they are trying to save us." I pet Jimin ears. "I hope they do." He says. "Me too." I say.

*With Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon*

Namjoon Pov's

It has been three days since the maknae line and Y/N disappeared, me and the others hasn't left the Jackson's organization, trying to find them and rescue them.

I look up seeing Yoongi and Jackson leaving a room, I look at Yoongi, and he looks down shaking is head, nothing again.

"What are we going to do now?" Hoseok asks almost crying. "Wait." Jin says. "I'm sick of waiting!" I say getting up stress. "Calm down Namjoon." Jackson says but quickly leaving when he sees some of his friends hybrid police entering. "We can't lose them Yoongi." I say almost crying looking at Yoongi. "We won't. We will find them, safe." Yoongi says.

"Guys! Come here!" Jackson asks, I look at Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok, the four of us confused went to him and, we notice two dog hybrid police with him, Pitbull's Hybrids. "Yes?" I ask. "These are Jinyoung and JB, from the hybrid police I know, they got something." Jackson says smiling at us. Jin takes my hand and smiles in hope.

"We got an information about a weird van arriving at a location, our witness saw everything and follow them, he only reported to us now because he couldn't leave before without being caught." JB says.

"We have a location?" Yoongi asks in shock. "We have a location." Jinyoung says smiling at us. "WE HAVE A LOCATION!" Hoseok screams hugging Yoongi. "We have a location." I whisper smiling. "Let's go! What are we waiting for!" Jin says, and we all got prepare ourselves to save our family.

*Back to Y/N, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook*

Y/N Pov's

A day has passed and no one came to us again, we stay in our cell, in the dark, no food, no water until when we were all sleeping, we wake up when we hear Jungkook screaming.

"NO! LET ME GO YOU SON OF A B....!" Jungkook screams. "NO!JUNGKOOK!" I scream trying to get up fast only to feel a kick in my cheek making me go down. "Y/N!" Jimin and Taehyung screams coming to my aid, but crying we all look at Jungkook being dragged away from us.

Hours passed and no sign of Jungkook, the only sound in the cell is Jimin crying on my shoulder and Taehyung still whipping in pain on my other side, I look at the wall in front of me, crying, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to think.

I wake up again, not knowing when I felt asleep, I look and see Jimin and Taehyung also sleeping until Taehyung suddenly opens his eyes and looks right into my eyes. "What is it Taehyung?" I ask. "Your face." He says still looking at me serious, that's when I finally notice the pain in my cheek, I put my hand on it and hiss in pain. "This is going to bruise hard." I say in pain. I look at Taehyung again when he was going to say something, but he quickly got up and look at the door cell. "What?" I say confused and scared.

"I hear someone, people, coming." He says getting ready to attack this time. "Jimin wake up someone's coming." I say waking Jimin up and both of us get up and stay beside Taehyung, waiting for who ever is coming.

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