Chapter 8 - Close Call.

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After she left, Chibs, Happy, and Jax tried to call and text Monica numerous times.

They were all wondering why she had left so abruptly.

She had to reassure Chibs that it wasn't because of the kiss that they shared, but decided not to mention the real reason.

It was better for her to stay away, before her feelings were hurt.


Around 8pm on a Sunday night, Monica got a sudden craving for a Frito pie. She headed to the local grocery store, before it closed for the night, to buy the ingredients.

Monica sat at 4-way red light, seeing Donna stopped on the opposite side of the street. She had met Donna a couple of times at the clubhouse, and she thought that she was a sweet woman.

Monica's attention snapped to the black car creeping up from behind Donna's truck with its headlights off.

The hairs on the back of her neck starting standing up.

Beeping her horn, hoping to get Donna's attention, she frantically yelled at Donna to dunk.

Donna was caught off guard by the noise, before noticing that it was Monica beeping at her. She turned down the radio to hear what she was saying.

"DUCK!" Monica screamed so loud, it felt like her throat was about to bleed. She pointed to the car.

Donna did milliseconds before several bullets flew into the truck. The tires on the car squealed, as the driver peeled off.

Getting out of her Jeep, Monica ran over to Donna. She was shaken up but alive, with a bullet in her shoulder.

Monica's hands shook as she got her phone out to call the police.

Monica pulled Donna up from the floor of the truck and applied pressure to her wound with her flannel shift.

By the time the police showed up, they were sitting behind the truck. Not the best place to hide but she wasn't thinking clearly.

Donna begged Monica to come in the ambulance with her, not wanting to be left alone. She couldn't leave her alone if she wanted to, feeling very much like a nurse in that moment.

Once at the hospital, Donna was taken into surgery to have the bullet removed. It had lodged deep into her left arm and shattered into several pieces.

Monica's coworkers gave her some extra scrubs and told her to get cleaned up in their locker room.

Sitting outside in the waiting room, Monica opened her eyes as the sounds of multiple feet came rushing towards her.

She looked up to see the entire club, led by a frantic Opie. Opie looked at her with appreciation, before making his way to his wife's room.

Before anyone could talk to her, Unser asked her to come to the station for any details of the shooter.

She rode with him to the station and gave her side of the events. Everything was muddled to her, but she tried her best.

Afterwards, he gave her a ride to her Jeep and followed her home.

As soon as she got home, Monica crashed on her couch both mentally and physically exhausted.

While on shift, the next day, Monica visited with Donna. She was glad that she would be able to recover, but she wasn't oblivious to the fact that the shooting had something to do with the motorcycle club.


Following the events, Monica tried to settle back into a routine. She was still shaken up by that night. Many times throughout the day, she would find herself looking over her shoulder.

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