Chapter 18 - Déjà Vu.

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Once Monica saw that other people were going outside, she decided that it was okay for her to get some fresh air.

It was very smothering, inside the clubhouse, with all of those people.

Seeing that the picnic table was empty, Monica sat down with her journal and pen.

Growing up, she used to write down her feelings and thoughts. She had been meaning to get back in the habit of doing so.

Lost in her thoughts, an hour had passed. It was a little after 7:30pm, and it was getting dark.

Monica hadn't notice the SUV that was parked across the street.

Hearing pops, Monica looked up to see where the noise was coming from. Shortly after, a sharp pain nearly knocked the wind out of her.

The Sons, who had been standing outside, took out their guns and started firing at the retreating black SUV. The rest of Sons, who were inside of the clubhouse, all came running out with their guns.

Monica crawled under the table, bleeding from a gunshot in her left arm. She cried out from the pain, trying to hold onto her arm.

Chibs frantically looked for her and found her under the picnic table. He applied pressure to her arm to stop the bleeding. Happy helped him with lifting her up, before they headed into the clubhouse.

Monica was laid on one of the pool tables. Still applying pressure, Chibs kissed her forehead, trying to soothe her as much as possible.

Tara didn't even move to help, which Happy picked up on right away.

"Bitch, do your fucking job!" Happy sneered in her face. "You might not like her, but she's family." His tanned skin turning red, as he shouted.

"Tara, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jax yelled in disbelief, after running back in to check on everyone.

She didn't say anything, but made her way over to Monica.

Tara was being a little rough with her, and Monica had to bite her tongue because she knew that she needed the bullet out. Her eyes zeroed in on what the "Good Doctor" was doing. She didn't trust or care for her at all.

The men were talking in raised voices all around her, and Monica was biting back sobs from the pain.

Is this what life is going to be like? I've been assaulted on their turf twice.

Gemma came over to give her a glass of water, taking a moment to rub on her back.

"Thank you." Monica said quietly, with tears still flowing down her face.


Monica was currently being bathed by Chibs. He was both furious about her getting shot and saddened that she wasn't speaking to him.

Monica didn't put up a fight, when she was stripped and placed into the bathtub. She was just extremely tired from the events.

Happy and Jax were discussing their retaliation with the other members.

Draining the water, Chibs helped her stand up and wrapped her tightly in a towel. He carried her bridal style to his bed, where he proceeded to dry her off.

"Talk to me, Monica, please." He pleaded softly.

"I'm just tired, Filip."

"I understand that, baby. We're looking for the people who did this." He cupped her cheek.

She only nodded, as the painkillers Tara gave her started to kick in.

Chibs tucked her in. He made sure that her phone was visible on his night stand, before heading to speak with his brothers.

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