Chapter 15 - Out Of Control.

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A big smile was on Monica's face, as she read Happy's handwritten note that came with: a Sephora giftcard, a Barnes & Noble giftcard, and a red lace teddy.

Buy that book that you've been talking about and make sure you get some more of that red lip paint to wear with this.

"Lip paint.. really, Happy?" Monica said to herself, laughing softly. She figured either Donna or Gemma helped him with this.

What she didn't know was Whitney came across Happy, standing out like a sore thumb, in the mall's Sephora.

At first, Happy thought about asking Gemma and Donna, but he thought that they wouldn't know which makeup would work best for Monica. He figured since he had tanner skin that he could try on his own.

"This is for my woman. Not me." He said to the woman, who was standing next to him. Her eyes widen and she nodded her head, before slowly turning back to display rack in front of them.

It was a hilarious sight seeing several women staring at the biker, who was looking intently at lipsticks in the middle of the busy store.

Whitney told him to just get a giftcard for Monica, so she can choose what she wanted. She, then, took him to Torrid to find something that he wanted to see Monica in.

Monica kept thinking about how Happy came over one night and demanded that she put on red lipstick, before he practically pounced on her.

"Get on all fours." Happy demanded, causing her to shiver with anticipation. She did as she was told, as he got undressed. The pillow couldn't mask her screams of pleasure.

She could barely walk the next day. Not that she was complaining, but she was wondering where that came from.

Monica knew that both Happy and Chibs were trying to cheer her up, because she had been moping around for the past few days.

So much so, that she canceled her Friday singing gig at the jazz club, for the next week. She told Fatima that she didn't have any energy to sing at the moment.

She was feeling pretty good for a couple of nights, but the hurt made its way back. All she wanted to do was stay in the bed and enjoy her next 3 off days.


Almost as if she jinxed herself, on her way home from work, her left front tire caught a flat.

"Really??" Monica shouted angrily, digging through her nursing bag for her phone. She dialed Chibs' number, asking if he could help her change her tire.

Ten minutes later, Chibs showed up and had her back on the road, not even 10 minutes after that.

Chibs took it as an opportunity for Monica to learn how to change a tire.. and maybe something else came to mind.


The next day, Monica showed up at the Teller repair shop. She knew that Chibs was trying to have her and Jax in the same place once again.

Monica didn't have any problem cutting off people, even if she did think about that particular person. Maybe she shouldn't take pride in that but she did. Hurt people don't always hurt other people, sometimes they just prefer to act like you've never existed.

Monica was one of those people.

She understood why Chibs was trying to get them to be civil with one another, but she was a little annoyed at it. However.. Monica did agree that she needed to know how to change a tire, for her own wellbeing and safety.

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