Chapter 27 - Favorite Ladies.

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"Will you relax?" Happy spoke, noticing that Monica was fidgeting from the corner of his eye.

They were in her new minivan, with Chibs, Jax, and Juice following behind them on their motorcycles.

Gemma offered to go with Fiona and Kerrianne to look for a house that wasn't too far from the farmhouse. Kerrianne wanted to stay close to her father and siblings, but knew that her mother needed her own place.

"I'm nervous about meeting your mother, Happy." Monica admitted.

"Nervous for what?" He asked, taking a moment to look at her, while they were stopped at a red light. "She's been wanting to meet you for, what, a little over 2 years now?"

"I know.. but I'm not good with meeting people's parents." She said, looking back to see what the children were doing.

They were currently asleep, having been up for majority of the drive.

Monica had packed the minivan up with coolers of food and drinks, along with their other necessities for their short stay.

"Don't worry too much about it." He said, placing his hand on her thigh and continued on driving.

" had boyfriends?"

Monica rolled her eyes. "You do realize that I met you all when I was 24, right?"

"Your point?"

"My point is... smartass, I wasn't saving myself for ya'll."

"Should have been." Happy grumbled.

"Sexist pig."

Happy just laughed at her response and shrugged his shoulder.


A couple of hours later, equipped with some fussy kids, they finally made it to his mother's home.

Happy's status as a Nomad was so he could visit his mother, Paulina, more.

With Monica's return with the children and the trip to Ireland, he hadn't seen her as much as he normally would, which he felt guilty for that.

After expressing that with his mother, she told him that she understood that he was settling into a more permanent life in Charming.

All she wanted to do was to meet her grandchildren, but only when they were old enough to travel.

While Jax, Chibs, and Juice made trips around the block to ensure that they weren't followed, Happy and Monica had the kids situated in their strollers.

Paulina couldn't contain her excitement and met them at the porch.

"Happy!" She called out, getting ready to walk down her ramp.

"Ma, stay up there."

His mother waved him off and walked down to bring him into a hug.

"My baby boy." She said kissing his face. "Oh, how I have missed you.."

"Missed you too, ma." Happy wrapped his arms tightly around his mother.

Monica smiled at their interaction. She knew how much he loved his mother, but witnessing it was so beautiful.

Abel tugged on her hand and Monica looked down to him. "Mommy, I have to go potty." He whispered up at her.

"Okay, baby." She said.

"We got them." Chibs said, kissing her cheek, before taking one of the strollers that she was holding onto.

"Let me have a look at your family." Paulina said, peeking over his shoulder.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Ms. Lowman." Monica said smiling at the older woman.

She was bought into a hug, which didn't shock her since Happy informed her that his mother was extremely affectionate.

"I have been waiting so long to meet you. You are beautiful!" Paulina said.

"Thank you, Ms. Lowman." Monica said, with a smile. "You are too. Happy looks like your twin."

"Would it be okay for Abel to use the restroom really quick?" She added.

"Of course he can, and please call me Paulina." She said, giving Abel a sweet smile and a wave.

Abel waved backpeeked from behind Monica's leg.

"Let's get these babies in here so I can love on them. And it's good to see you boys again." Paulina said to Chibs, Jax, and Juice.

The 3 Sons exchanged their greetings with genuine smiles on their faces.


Paulina had a dinner made for them, but she barely ate. She, instead, spent the time cooing over the children.

Their children took well to their abuela, as she wanted to be called.

It didn't take long for the triplets to crawl all over the house, touching almost everything in sight.

Abel tried to help steer them away, but he was outnumbered by his little siblings, so he eventually joined them.

A few hours later, and the kids were fast asleep in Paulina's guest room.

Monica followed Paulina out to her back patio for some one-on-one time.

"Thank you for loving my son."

Monica didn't know how to respond but Paulina continued on. "He had a tough.. upbringing. I tried to do my best but he was alone while I worked 2, sometimes 3, jobs."

"I know what he does. He tried to hide it from me, but I know.."

Monica placed her hand on top of Paulina's for comfort.

"I didn't think that he would found love, but I heard it in his voice when he talked about you. Now, I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you."

"Happy, wasn't what I expected." Monica said, earning a laugh from Paulina. "But he is so loyal and he loves hard.. I love him very much, and I'm just grateful that I'm able to be one of the people that he loves and cares for."

Chibs and Jax watched as Happy moved from the backyard patio door. They couldn't hear what Monica and Paulina were saying, but it appeared that Happy was wiping away tears.

"You okay, brother?" Chibs asked, as Happy sat down on the couch.

"Yeah." Happy said, clearing his throat.

They left it at that, knowing that Happy would want to know that they were there for him. At the same time, they didn't want him to feel like he couldn't allow himself to feel normal emotions.

They stayed in Bakersfield for a couple of days, before deciding to head back home. Paulina appeared to be in heaven, solidifying her bond with the 4 children.

The boys went into town, while the women and children stayed at the house.

During that time she showed Monica Happy's baby pictures and videos. Isabella looked identical to her father. It was uncanny to see.

"Promise me, you'll come back to visit." Paulina said, hugging Monica.

"I promise."

"Thank you for having us, Ms. Lowman." Juice, said giving her his All American smile, before walking over to his bike.

"Anytime." She said, pointing a finger at each one of the Sons. "And I mean it."

• • •

"I told you. You had nothing to worry about." Happy said, once they made it on the road.

"Yeah, yeah."

He reached over to take a hold of her hand and bought it to his mouth for a kiss.

"I love you." He said, a few minutes later. Monica looked over at him but his attention was on driving.

"I love you too, Happy."

A/N: I don't know the name of Happy's mom, so I made up one lol. I looked it up, but I didn't see her name anywhere.

If you know her name, let me know!

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