Silsila: #2-The Unnoticed Things!

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#2-The Unnoticed Things!

What did he look like at first glance? A carefree stranger who just cared about himself, who didn't care before intruding someone's privacy, who didn't care before shutting a girl when she was speaking: manner less...emotionless but that was what you see when you look at him superficially or with a pre-decided notion. A deeper look at him, a simple try to understand him makes you realize so much about him that goes unnoticed at first glance. How he helps a stranger on road even if she is rude, how he silently hears all the taunts and frustration of a girl without responding unless he realizes it's she who is more affected by the thing she blames him of being affected by, how he knows the difference between right and wrong and doesn't mind being stern when he knows someone is wrong...that's the real Ruhaan, the mix of good and bad , like any normal human being because off course, even he is a normal human being like all others.

Feelings control most of our actions and he has his feelings brewing for his best friend's Fiancé, off course he is trying to guard them, trying to throw them but something...just something holds him and deciding against it, he decides to keep them closed...but safe. But even if kept in a closed box, the feelings are sure to find their way out of their cage, someday especially if he lives with her, in her proximity, because she is the key to open that closed box, the key to open his guarded emotions. What will happen when they do? Will love blossom or will the sane mind pull away the crazy heart from walking on the path of Love? Only till will tell.

My MisHaan, RiKara, Diya and Ragini Diary-Analysis( Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now