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She would let SwaSan live happily only when she lives happily with her Laksh... Everyone thought this, but once again , she proved everyone wrong...as  Laksh matters to her so does Swara , so does Sanskar.

Her love for her sister was always questioned but she proved that she loves Swara , Maybe not to that extend as Swara loves her but she does love Swara...a lot.

She would be misunderstood by everybody , her love will again be questioned , not only for her Laksh but also her love for Swara . " Swara left Sanskar for her and she...she wants to move on.." The world will think this but only she knows , only she knows the pain in her heart at this moment , to prove that she has killed the last portion of lamp in her heart though she hasn't. She called her own self , Selfish , she told everyone that she wants to live Happily but can she live happily??? Can she ever do that without her Laksh... her Laksh means happiness to her and she told everyone that wants to live happily without him. Quite funny atleast for me though this made me almost teary eyed.

She will do anything to unite SwaSan now , she won't let anything come in her mission of uniting SwaSan , not even her Laksh, because she knows her Laksh also wants the same , she'll prove that Laksh has moved on and she too'll move on, maybe she had loved from the very start but the true meaning of Love , she has understood it now...

To sacrifice her happiness is Love , to live in his memories is Love , to change the way people see her , for someone else is her Love...she has a different way to love , a really different way yet her every way is special which can make you fall in love , WITH HER

My MisHaan, RiKara, Diya and Ragini Diary-Analysis( Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now