Chapter Seven

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The sun's rays are slowly shooting across the sky like the tails on comets and putting up an intricate design of colours, but not quite revealing the sun itself. We all congregated next to the creek to await the rising sun's first glimpse into our side of the world. We gather every morning for this; the Morning Song.

We ascend into the morning sky to sing to our heart's content, being carried by the winds in an elaborate dance only the sun knows the moves for. Our voices join together in a melodious chorus of highs and lows, intertwining in a way never before seen. Our wings guide us in random and complex patterns around one another, making us rely completely on our reflexes to avoid collisions. This is the song of joy and hope, the dance of warmth and family. It is the most beautiful song and dance, but it is neither song nor dance. It is just the Morning Song.

We've done it since the day we were first able to watch daybreak, even the first day since our escape. The yearning to fly and warble is overpowering; like the strong desire to breathe in the chilling air. We can resist it, although it's extremely difficult, but why should we? The Morning Song brings happiness and a sense of truly living. Without it, we'd be stuck in a never ending loop of sadness and hopelessness.

Each evening we gather to choose the next location for the Morning Song and everyone is present there as the darkness fades into the startling reds, pinks, and oranges, like a vibrant canvas. I watch as the sun starts to peek over the horizon. It is only a matter of time until my heart demands that I soar into the air to greet the sun. Others are surrounding me and watching with a peaceful silence and eerie stillness that won't last long.

Already I can feel it racing through my veins like a drug and filling me with jittery adrenaline; building up in my heart like a fire. It can't be compared to any human experience; it is the desire of a dragonet's. Several shoot off into the sky with joyful trills. I quickly rise into the air beside them, unable to sit still for any longer and resist the pull of the sun. My body follows its own rules as I join the other dragonets in a breathtaking serenade of various chirps, trills, whistles, warbles, and other lullabies.

It is an amazing feeling that overflows us with a sense of purpose. Slowly, the song reaches it's ends, as does the acrobatics and singing, leaving us hovering in the air with joyous hearts. A few of the newer fledglings had grown tired during the song and were resting on the ground. Their parents fly down and wait patiently until they're ready to relocate.

I land on a high branch and stare at the dispersing Kymari from the corner of my eye.

Months after we first snuck into the park, a lone Kymari had heard us and came to listen. Now, we seem to have an audience each morning, seeking us out and listening to our song regardless of where we were. They always show the utmost respect, keeping their distance while sitting or standing as they watch our spectacle.

About fifty Kymari come each day, a lot are ones that come every time while others are newcomers or ones that visit occasionally. Our Morning Song is nothing like they've ever seen and it is quite obvious that they're enthralled by it.

Once we fly away to our own lives, they normally lose interest and they give us no more attention than the other lowly animals scurrying along the floor. We are pretty to observe but they tend to give us the required space after the Morning Song.

All the dragonets wish they didn't take so much of an interest in us, but it's not like we can just fly up to them and say, "Hey, can you please stop watching us? It's kinda creepy."

We don't want their attention, but our Morning Song is more important than our spectators as long as they keep their distance. They scour the forest each morning until they locate us or hear us. Once they've found us, they alert the other searching parties and they all gather to watch or listen. We like to have our performance in an open space to lessen accidents, such as near creeks, the waterfalls and by the rivers. We have to be high in the air though, like on the side of a cliff or near the top of the mountain.

Shaking off the thoughts, I tilt my head and observe the sun, trying to decide on what to do to occupy myself for the next little while until it's time for the championship.

My wings twitch and I rub my head against them roughly before taking to the sky, heading for the beach. I drop softly into the sand next to a green dragonet, who whistles a greeting.

I chirp hello and watch as she tweets back in question, scratching at the itch on her back she can't reach. I nod and easily make my way next to her with a few wingbeats. Unsheathing my sharp talons, I scratch the dirt and old sand out from under her scales in the middle of her back.

She sighs in relief over the mindlink. "Oh my gosh, that feels so nice! I haven't been able to get that for a few days. Thanks Zara! Do you have any spots I can get for you?" She asks cheerfully, tilting her head at the end of her question. I nod quickly and explain the spot between my two wings. It's the most common place for a collection of sand and dirt to build up.

Seeing as there are only around 70 of the original dragonets left and maybe 20 newer dragonets, we all know each other quite well. We know each person's name, general personality and have started the basis of friendships with everyone. We are a close-knit family, although most are not blood related.

I stretch my wings and chirrup my gratitude and a goodbye to the green dragonet before taking to the skies. I soar among the clouds, their misty presence refreshing me and the silence enveloping me in a sweet serenity. With the small tilt of one wing, I cut through the clouds in a sharp turn and nosedive towards a tall cliff that overlooks the park.

My talons graze the ground before I finally alight on the hot rock. I curl my back legs up and rest my head on my front paws, hiding my claws and bathing in the sun. The sunlight sparkles off my shimmering red scales and relaxes my tense muscles, allowing me to melt peacefully into the rock.

My body thrums along with the rhythm of the earth below me and soft warbles, chirps and trills escape my mouth to form a soothing song for my ears only. I sing a mourning song, a goodbye to the world I knew as I stare out at the Kymari city that stands where the humans used to. My song soon ceases and descends upon the trees, only to be heard by the woodland creatures.

My eyelids drift closed and my breathing evens out, slowly being lulled to sleep by the tweets of the birds and the beat of the earth.

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