Chapter Eleven

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I whip through the trees on an old Kymari path that most dragonets don't even know exists. It was originally just a transport path for the Kymari when they were first building the city limits, and since we weren't in the park at that time, most dragonets don't know it's a thing. I had stumbled upon it on one of my scouting missions on our second year in the park. It has been my escape ever since.

When the girls are upset, sometimes I'll take them to the old treehouse hidden at the end of the trail. It's the only piece of humanity left, I'm surprised the Kymari haven't found it yet and demolished it. Since we started going there, they nicknamed it as our secret hideout.

"It's a secret only Clarissa, Kassie and Aunty Zara are allowed in on," They'd say when people asked them about where they disappeared to during the night. My heart feels heavy with sorrow as I think of the missing dragonets. I don't know what I'll do if they're hurt or worse. A part of me feels guilty. I should've been there with them, known where they were going to go. I should never have ignored my bad feeling.

I rush to a stop as I see the treehouse, halting midair to scream out their names to all in the vicinity.

"Clarissa! Kassie! If you're here please come out! I'm not kidding!" I beg, pleading with the dead air to reveal them like a scene from a movie. I whip my head around, anxiety crushing my chest like a building weighing down on me, as I search frantically for any sign of their lively laughing or dazzling scales. A haunting silence is all that greets me.

Suddenly, I hear a faint giggle from behind a few trees. My body moves without my permission as I rocket forward, shooting through the trees and twirling around branches. The hushed laughter stops and is replaced by quiet whispers, swirling around me in the forest. I stop for but a second to relocate the noises before propelling into the air again. I burst through the trees, squawking loudly as I skid to a stop.

Kassie and Clarissa's head whip my way as the noise leaves my throat. Tears cloud my eyesight as I bolt forward and envelope both the small dragonets in a large hug, my wings pinning them close to my body. Confusion and concern practically bounces off them in waves as a tear slides down my scaled face and hits Kassie on the top of the head.

"Aunty Zara, what's wrong?" Clarissa asks, rubbing her head comfortingly against my shoulder. I don't speak for a few moments, relishing the feel of their scaled bodies safely tucked in my wings. I reluctantly pull pack with a sad smile, nestling the tops of their heads.

"I'm so glad you're okay! No one knew where you were and we thought something bad had happened and I was so so scared and your mom- Well your mom was having an emotional breakdown and I couldn't just leave you out here, I wanted to help so I flew towards the treehouse but you weren't there and I was so worried but then I heard laughing and I- Wait a minute what were you doing out here anyways!? Do you know how worried everyone was-" My rambles are quickly cut short as I realize where we are. Kymari are wandering the streets around us as we float on the edge of the forest, the trees behind us as our only safety.

I whip my harsh glare towards the girls as they sheepishly duck their heads. They've always been super curious about everything, especially the Kymari, and since they weren't born when we were in the lab they don't understand the terror of being confined in a cage like an animal, treated like the dirt stuck on the bottom of someone's shoe. They want to learn new things and be adventurous, but some things are better to not be learned through experience. They just don't understand that yet.

I sigh and shake my scales, listening to them twinkle as they hit one another. With a warning to the girls about staying where I can see them, I fly a little closer to the forest in the hopes that I'll be able to contact Alissa from here. I shout out in the mindlink but my voice simply echoes and bounces back to me. Too far away. With an irritated shake of the head, I spin around to look at the girls.

Kassie and Clarissa are spying on a few younger Kymari males who look to be playing something similar to soccer. They're brutally kicking the ball every which way, too fast to keep up with. Slowly I find myself entranced by the game, rooting for the team in blue to win. I whistle and chirp happily every time they goal, snorting and huffing when they get scored on. The ball shoots into the air, gaining altitude quickly.

Suddenly one of the boys stops short and shouts, "WATCH OUT!" I follow his line of vision through the trees, past the ball and only a few wingbeats away from me. The girls! They're dancing happily in the trees, still gloating over their team's goal. Without a second thought, I rush forward and launch them into the air, out of the ball's way. I glance over for a split second, only to be met with a solid ball the size of my whole body slamming into me.

I yelp in pain as I'm shoved into the streets, shuttles and Kymari bustling around me. A few gasps erupt from the crowd and Kymari stop short as I hit the hard platform of the road. People all stand back as I struggle to get up, my head spinning and the images around me all blurry. I flap my wings quickly in an attempt to fly away. With a strangled cry of pain, I feel a sharp pain jolt up my left wing. My wing falters and I start a spiral towards the ground.

I hear a few alarmed screams and shouts but I can't make out their words as my vision blurs and the edges of my view starts to darken.

"Aunty Zara!" I hear someone scream throughout my head. I turn my head to see the fading view of Kassie and Clarissa being held back by Cami's wings, as Cami stares at me with fearful eyes. The last thing I feel before the world goes dark is something ramming into my side, the impact making a loud snapping sound that resonates throughout the chaotic air.


Sorry this one's so short!! Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote. Thanks!

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