Chapter Ten

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I don't hear Lori's angered shouts or rapid questions as I shoot across the sky, honing in on Alissa's faint mournful cries. They are quite quiet because of the large distance between us, only heard if purposefully focusing in on them really hard. Maybe that's why I hadn't noticed them earlier. I curse myself internally, mad that I ignored the bad feeling swelling in the bottom of my stomach.

I burst through the trees like a wolf wildly chasing prey, frantic as my eyes flicker to each dragonet, looking for Alissa. I finally spot her in the corner of the clearing, curled up next to her mate with sad sobs. She's not the type of person to go raging when something like this happens, she's not like me, instead she tends to cry her eyes out like that'll magically solve her problems. It can sometimes be frustrating, but with someone like Alissa, all you can do is sympathize to make her feel better even if you don't really understand the predicament.

I lunge for Alissa as soon as I'm in reach, enveloping her in my wings and letting her sob. She pulls me close and cries herself dry, slightly irritating me since I should be helping look for the girls. But I know there are already tons out searching and Alissa needs me now.

Soon Alissa calms down enough to cough out some words. She pulls away and leans back on her mate, who supports her looking down with worry.

"We- we were at the n-nest and getting rea- ready for going to the p-pond. I turned around to gr- grab something but when I looked back... They- they were.... They were gone!" She exclaims shakily, her voice breaking as her sadness hit her like another wave pulling her under. She breaks down at the end, sobbing pathetically into her mate's chest who buries her protectively under his wings.

I nod, turning around to face the other dragonets in the field. They seem at a loss for what to do, so I'll assign some jobs.

"EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" I shout in the general mindlink, garnering the attention of all those in the field. They all turn to look at me, different coloured scaly heads popping up to stare as my voice booms in their minds. My tone is frosty, my face stern.

"We have two fledglings missing, most of you know that by now. Here's what we're going to do about it! While the general search teams are off who knows where, we have some important tasks to take care of! First off, Sarah, Leddi, Monica, go check the usual places Clarissa and Kassie hang out. The creek by the border, the sunburst trees, etc. Next, John, Smith, and Felix, I'm assigning you to check the Kymari paths to see if the children accidentally stumbled across a few of the more avid explorers.

"Alison, James, Kim, you need to set up a temporary infirmary in case either of the girls are hurt when they are finally found. Sam..." I just keep going, barking out orders left and right. Dragonets fly off, each assigned a special task to make this easier and to help find the children.

Lucas isn't in the crowd, something that strikes me as odd until I realize that he's probably in one of the large search parties, just as anxious and worried as I am. Kassie and Clarissa bring out my motherly instincts, even though they're not my girls. Sometime during the chaos, the ex-military dragonet from my times in the lab slinks up next to me, watching silently as I shout directions and essential information. I pause to take a quick breath and he finally speaks up.

"You sure you weren't in the military? You sound a hell of a lot like my commanding officer," he teases trying to lighten the mood, glancing at me with a sympathetic smile. Since we escaped, he's cooled down a lot. He's not such the intense hardcore guy as he was before. He's nice and charming, one of the few dragonets like me who remain single. I shake my head at his comment, standing up straighter. Now it's time for me to start searching too.

"No. Not the military, just motherhood," I reply quickly before taking off, ignoring the confusion and shock that practically radiates off of him. Even Alissa and her mate, who were just close enough to hear me are too shocked to say anything. It's not until I'm halfway to Kassie and Clarissa's secret hangout spot that I realize what I said. And when I do, I almost plummet to the ground in pain as the horrifying memories crash into me like waves, drowning me in sorrow.


Hey ladies!! I just realized I put 'hey guys' in the last a/n so this one is for the girls lol! Sorry this one's so short!

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