chapter 7

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"Okay, let me get this straight, did I do something wrong that made you get mad at me?" Skye asked commander Leon hopping that he would make some sense and clear everything out because his remarks were already getting on her nerves.

He sighed, once again turning to his horse and patting it affectionately on his back.

She thought that she was not gonna get answer but then he focused his attention right back at her.

"Oh no, not at all," He expressed, his expressions getting serious all of a sudden making skye's stomach flip uncomfortably, "besides you can't have tiny bit of an effect on me."

She fell silent for a moment processing his words unable to lower her gaze while he stared right back at her, gauging every color on her face as it came and left.

Skye couldn't really register whether it was his usual taunt or was he really serious this time. But if he was serious then how can he not understand the entire situation and why in the first place did he say something like that?

"Oh yeah, why can I not?," Skye tried to hide back the confusion and some amount of hurt that his words caused her,
"If I recall correctly, last night my meeting with guard affected you, didn't it?" Her words seemed more like a question to her self which actually brought her focus back on her mind's internal battle.

"Girls like you can only have effect on men like him, not me." His chin rose as he announced and Skye felt a sudden stab on her chest.

Girls like you?

What'd does this man even take her as?

"What do you mean by girls like me?" Her voice didn't have the previous boldness this time which didn't go unnoticed by him as smirk grew once again on his face and he brushed the hair on horse's back, with his eyes following his hands' movements.

"Girls who come to male Chambers in the darkness of midnight and search for men," words left his mouth crushing something inside her, as if it was not enough, he turned his scorching gaze towards her and it doubled the intensity, "what else would I mean?"

She agreed that she visited male Chambers at night and on top of that, it was a secret visit but there could be million reasons other than the one that this man thought was the absolute one.

"Search for men? Is that how you interpreted that encounter?" Her voice wavered and immediately shifted her gaze away from him, folding her arms on her chest, now looking on the ground at nothing particularly.

"Then you tell me. How should I have interpreted that encounter?" He asked, taking a step closer to her.

Skye involuntarily took a step back unfolding her arms and looking at his stern posture. She wondered if he was always this stern and logical.

She could feel him stepping inside her private space and she didn't like it one bit.

At one hand, he was constantly accusing her of something she didn't commit, while on the other hand he was violating her private space.

She cursed her inability to talk back firmly and make this man know his space and how to talk to ladies appropriately.

"I don't feel compelled to be answering your lame questions." She pressed her lips looking away from him. She could hear herself fuming.

She heard a chuckle and she stared at this hideous man"Won't you say anything now?," He asked while his right eye brow was raised up to his hairline,"Cat's got your tongue, young lady?"

The way young lady left his lips with raised eyebrow and mischievous glint present in his eyes, if he was not this much annoying at the moment, Skye would have confessed that he was handsome.

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