chapter 35

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It has nearly been a week of king's murder but the castle was still constantly unleashing the far cry of his death. There were no bright lights exuding from expensive lanterns. There was no elegance on display for the blackness of death had successfully enveloped every single wall of castle that was hovering over the saddened hearts of its inhabitants.

All the movements died down after king's murder and extreme silence stretched out among the masses. Few enraged people pumped others up in the killing spree and now everyone else regretted ever taking part in such movements against their own king.
The man who jabbed the knife in king's back was quickly caught but he successfully penetrated the knife to succumb right through the heart.

Royals couldn't just punish everyone because the leading members of entire town came and punishing everyone would mean, ending every single member from each cast. This could build a huge uproar.

Since that day, visitors had been visiting the castle from other states as well to accompany their sorrow and not to miss the funeral of the king of Alexandria. Queen along with other senior royal members was handling all the gatherings and arrangements of funeral and the stay of visitors.

Prince became utterly silent since the moment the tragedy happened. It felt like, he had sworn not to speak a word as if he didn't find anyone worth talking to anymore or he didn't care about talking to anyone anymore.

On the funeral, skye found the prince standing on the side, not looking at the number of people sitting patiently and listening to the priest and other people's words about king. He didn't even give his speech for he strictly decline when asked.

She thought he must be busy handling the affairs and might come to the chambers after the funeral to visit her but her constant wait turned into the unease building up the sorrow that she had started to feel deep down.

Prince sought his peace in the old library where king would usually go and read in his leisure time. When prince would get tired of the books, he would just stare on the fore walls. Any maid or servant that would bring the meal would mostly get denied.

Even queen was starting to put the matter of king aside and warily focus on her son for his unusual behavior. She was alone in handling her own pain but she knew, no matter how hard exterior her son portrayed, inside he was like a small and sensitive child who always looked up to his father whenever he needed.

After the entire week, Skye decided it was enough of wailing behind the walls of her chambers and left the chambers to find prince. Maids told her that prince was residing in the library most of the time and didn't appreciate visitors to disturb him in his solitude but she was hell bent on finding him and confronting him.

Rounding the couple of corridors, she found the stairs that led downwards where all the important offices and negotiation halls were located along with the library of the king. All the matters used to be discussed there, maid informed.

Once finding herself this near to find him, her heart picked up a frantic beat for she didn't think of what she is going to confront prince about.

Would it be wrong to confront him about her own complaints for not seeing him and him displaying such odd behavior when he was obviously shackled in the clutches of the demons of sorrow.

She shook her head in the trial of dismissing confusing thoughts. She would go and talk to him, no matter reason, she thought.

Climbing down the last stair, she ran her gaze around, flattening the hand on the nearby wall. She read the boards hung at the top of the doors one by one. She frowned looking at the last door which just read hall and then there was main gate that she wondered, led outside.

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