The Beginning (1)

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I have a Patreon where I'm currently reworking this story and editing it.

This chapter is now edited
Hi my name is Aria Manchester,  I have two older, overprotective brothers, Noah and Jayden who are twins. Noah is the oldest who has dark brown hair and blue eyes, and then there is  Jayden who is 2 minutes younger, and has medium brown hair and blue eyes. They both will be taking over the pack once they turn twenty. My mom and dad are the  current alpha and luna of my pack. I'm not like traditional alpha pups. I don't try to be noticed like most alpha pups. Hell I don't even like the idea of being noticed.Quite a few people  from school call me nerdy but it doesn't bother me at all. I am currently 15 and I'm  turning 16 tonight at midnight . I have brown hair, green blue eyes and a fair complexion. Tonight I will finally be shifting into my wolf, and I'm so excited! Then tomorrow I have the possibility find my mate. I really don't want to find him yet though, but if it happens it happens. I look around my room, it is me in a nutshell. My walls are are a teal color with black trim around my windows and doors. I have blackish hardwood floors with a white fluffy carpet by my bed. My bedding is teal and grey and I have my stuffed lion sitting by my pillows. I know its weird that a werewolf has a stuffed lion, but lions are my favorite animal. One door in my room leads into my bathroom, one into the hall and the final into my closet. I quickly change into a pink sports bra that I hate and a pair of pink shorts. I hate them both and want them gone so ripping them won't hurt me any.

"Aria get your ass down here now or you will shift in your room!" My oh so lovely brother Noah yells out. I look over at my clock. Crap! It's  11:55 I have five minutes to get to the woods. I grab my extra set clothes, which is a large t-shirt and a pair of shorts so I have something to put on after I shift. I take off down the stairs to meet up with my family. I reach the back door and smile at my family.

"Aria you ready for your first shift?" My father asks me as we walk out of the house and into the woods.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say, it's not that I don't want to shift it's just that I don't want to go through the pain of it. Shifting is especially painful for females. We have had she wolves die during their first shift. If the she wolf has found her mate and he is there the pain will be less intense. Our first shift is so painful for a reason. Wolves tend to have multiples and c-sections are only done if the she wolf is not able to deliver the pups naturally. In the werewolf world it is truly survival of the fittest.

We get to a clearing in the woods and wait for a couple of minutes. All of a sudden I crumple to the ground in pain. This searing pain shoot down my spine as it breaks along with the bones in my arms and legs. I feel my nose and mouth elongating into the muzzle of a wolf. I scream out in pain, I close my eyes and try to relax my body, like my dad told me to. It takes a me a minute to block out the pain so I can relax. Relaxing can help you shift quicker, at least that is what I was told as a child, and apparently it true because the next thing I know I am on four paws in wolf form. 'Aria can you hear me?' I hear my dad's voice in my head. I remember them explaining how to mindlink to me. I reach out to my dad. 'Yes, I hear you dad.' I reply to him. He smiles and nods at my mom.

"She can mindlink just fine." My dad says and my brothers high five.

I walked over to a small pond and look at my reflection. I am a rust color, with black paws and black tips on my ears and my tail. My eyes are an emerald green with black around the outside. Which is really weird because in human form my eye are a green blue, and in wolf form they are normally the same color as they are in human form. I walk over to my mom and look at her. She holds my clothes out and i take them in my mouth. I walk back behind a tree and sit there for a minute.

'Mom how do I shift back?' I hear her laugh and my brothers questioning her. 

'Just picture yourself as human and it should work.' She replies back to me. Oh right there is a chance that once a wolf shifts they might not be able to shift back... I take a deep breath and picture my brown hair, green blue eyes and tan skin. I shift back and quickly put on the clothes I bought with.I walk out from behind the trees. I get pulled into a hug by my brothers, then by my dad and mom. They look me up and down and smile.

"Well you survived your shift and your wolf is beautiful and she looks strong." My dad says while smiling at me. He was hoping I would be a strong wolf being an alpha pup and all. If I wasn't it wouldn't have been to bad. Now if my brothers were weak my dad would be challenged by another wolf because he couldn't produce strong offspring. My brothers wrap their arms around my shoulders then we started the walk back to the house. When we get back to the house my brothers kiss my cheeks and run off to their room. I smile at them remembering my brother Cameron. He was killed by hunters when him and the twins were 10. They were triplets and sometimes I feel like he still with us. I swear at times I see him with the boys. I feel a tear run down my cheek. I turn and run right to my room so my parents don't see the tears. I jump on my bed and fall into a dreamless sleep with thoughts of Cameron haunting me.






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