Chapter 15

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Jeongin didnt know how long they stayed at the skate park but he knew it was past midnight.

But nobody seemed to care, they were all having fun and that was what mattered the most.

The next morning everyone came to school tired as ever, surprisingly Felix being the only one fully energized even after being the one who did the most stunts the previous night.

Their legs, stomachs and arms hurt from being sore and it was because they haven't skated like that for months.

They all somehow managed to go through the day and at lunch, they all sat at the same table.

Seungmin sat in Hyunjin's lap, being the small being he is. Changbin sitting next to them with Felix laying his head on his lap. His legs resting on Minho who sat by the edge.

On the opposite side of Minho sat Chan who was playing with Jeongins hair. Who was dead asleep, his head resting on the table and next to him was Jisung.

They were all talking quietly, not trying to wake up the sleeping Jeongin.

"Yesterday was fun" Seungmin said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, I miss the times like those" Felix said sitting up.

"We used to do it all the time in freshman year. Me, Felix, Jeongin and Seungmin, sometimes Changbin. After that we simply never had the time" Jisung stated.

Everybody nodded their head in agreement. A comfortable silence fell over the table. Every one in their own world.

"The hell you looking at" Minho snapped glaring at Jisung.

Jisung raised his eyebrows confused but not surprised. "Nothing"

"Nah, if you have something to say then say it" Minho stated obviously annoyed.

"I didnt even-"

"Minho, calm down" Chan said confused.

Minhi scoffed and shook his head, getting up from the table and leaving the lunchroom.

Everyone looked at Jisung, who was just as confused as they were.

"I dont know man" He said before getting up and leaving as well.

The bell ran not to long afterwards signaling the end of lunch period.

The rest of the boys for up, saying bye to each other and going their separate ways to class.

Chan softly woke up Jeongin, who sat up slowly rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, we have to get to class" Chan said grabbing his bag. Jeongin nodded his head, standing up and stretching before grabbing his own bag and following Chan out the lunch room.


"And that's how World War two ended" Chan finished as Jeongin showed the next slide.

The class was silent before a student stood up clapping slowly. The rest of the class including the teacher standing up and clapping as well.

"That was an awesome presentation boys, I'm glad you two made up" The teacher said with a smile.

Both Chan and Jeongin looked at each other before smiling. They both bowed to the class before sitting down.


They both arrived home to see Felix and the gang already in their living room.

"What are you guys doing here?" Chan asked setting his bag down.

Jeongin jumped on the couch, sitting on an empty spot next to Minho, he seemed unfazed by the whole situation.

"Felix has an extra key. Look, Their playing mario kart" Jeongin said grabbing some popcorn.

Chan gave a small chuckle, sitting on the floor next to Jeongin's legs.

Hyungjin and Jisung where head to head on the game. Jisung being second and Hyunjin being first.

"I'm so going to win" Hyunjin said when suddenly Jisung threw a turtle shell at him knocking him off the map.

Jisung laughed evily as he was now in first and Hyunjin was now in eighth.

(A/n did anyone else absolutely hate when this happened. Your in first, get knocked down and now you're last)

Hyunjin basically gave up, sitting there in complete shock. Jisung won and Hyunjin swore he was never going to play again.

Which didnt last since after a few rounds, he played again and this time he won.

While Chan and Felix where going against each other and everyone else was on the edge seeing who would win, the door bell rang.

Jeongin got up and opened the door seeing Woojin, a big smile on his face.

"Woojin, Hey. Come on in, You're missing most of the fun" Jeongin said closing the door after Woojin entered.

"Guys Woojin is here" Jeongin called out. Everybody halfheartedly said 'hey' or 'wassup' to him.

Woojin laughed, "I feel so loved"

Jeongin laughed at well, "Come one sit next to me"

He grabbed Woojins hand and guided him to the couch, sitting comfortably, Woojin by his side.

Chan lost his focus upon seeing Jeongin and Woojin holding hands and even if it was for a split second and even though he knew Woojin was straight because he was dating this girl, he was still jealous.

And that jealousy caused him to loose. Felix slammed the controller down in victory.

"HA! I won, you lost. I'm a winner, you're a loser. You got distracted by your baby boy holding someone else's hand and I won" Felix teased doing a victory dance.

"Huh" Both Chan and Jeongin said at the same time.

"Nothing" Felix said with a laugh. "Next round, Jeongin and Changbin"

And that's how the rest of the day went. Everybody taking turns playing against each other until they had one final winner which was Felix.

When night time hit, they all played a show series they have never watched but each wanted to.

Jeongin and Chan each fetched some blankets and pillows since they decided that they were all going to be sleeping over.

Changbin and Felix sat on the love seat, cuddling into each other with the blanket draped over them.

Seungmin and Hyunjin cuddled on the round cordelle swivel chair.

Somehow Minho and Jisung ended up spooning on one side of the large couch, any memories of the outburst at lunch was gone.

Woojin made a bed of blankets on the floor, laying comfortably watching the movie.

Chan and Jeongin ended up spooning on the other side of the couch with out thought.

And for the rest of the night they watched the show until they fell asleep.

Double update, hope you like it. I just had this in mind and I really wanted to write it. The next chapter will most likely be posted tomorrow and its gonna focus on something else😉

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