Chapter 26

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It was now night and everybody was making their way home, tired from the excessive dancing they did.

"Jeongin, wake up" Jisung said softly running his hand through Jeongin's hair.

Somehow the younger managed to sleep through all the noise and Jisung somehow managed to stay in the same spot for hours without cramping.

"Jeongin" Jisung said poking his cheek with his index finger.

Chan walked over and smiled at the sleeping child. "I got him" He said picking him up with ease.

Jeongin cuddled into Chan's chest as Chan carried him bridal style.

Jisung stood up from the couch, stretching, "He looks adorable"

Chan squinted his eyes at Jisung before looking down at Jeongin, "Yeah"

Jisung walked to the door, opening it for Chan. "Have a good night"

"You too" Chan said not sparing a glance at Jisung, leaving the house.

Jisung laughed as he watched Chan walk down the side walk.

"This may work" Jisung said, crossing his arms and leaning against the door.

He looked across the street to see Minho and Lisa walking up to the house. He watched Lisa kiss Minho before entering.

"Small world, huh?" He said to himself.

Minho put his hands in his pockets and turned around. The two made eye contact, Minho smiled and waved at Jisung.

Jisung scoffed, shaking his head and turning his back on him. Closing the door.

Minho's smile faltered and he let his hand drop to the side. He sighed and looked at the sidewalk, making his way home.

Chan, now standing next to Jeongin's bed after tucking him in (Chan washed the bed sheets dont worry), wondered whether or not he should get in bed with him.

He sighed and decided against it, going to his room to sleep.

Taking off his shoes and shirt and changing into shorts, he layed on the cold bed. He hasnt slept in his own bed for a while and he didnt like it.

Not being able to sleep he resorted to playing games on his phone.

Jeongin who was sound asleep, woke up about an hour later due to feeling uncomfortable.

He sleepily slipped out of the uncomfortable clothes and into his soft pajamas. Laying back down on the bed, he reached his arm out for Chan but only Chan wasnt there.

He sat slowly, looking around the room and seeing Chan was no where in sight.

Pouting, he stood up and grabbed his pillow hugging it tightly and made his way over to Chan's room.

Opening the door, he saw Chan still awake. The brightness of his phone lighting up the space around him.

Jeongin closed the door making himself known and shuffled over to Chan's bed.

Putting down his pillow, he slipped under the blankets and onto the bed.

"Jeongin what are you doing?" Chan asked. Jeongin stayed quiet, putting his leg over Chan's waist and his left arm resting on his chest.

"Jeongin" Chan sighed shutting off his phone and putting it on the bed side table.

"Cuddle me and go to sleep" Jeongin mumbled half asleep.

Chan sighed and did as told cuddling the boy. But even after cuddling the boy, he couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Still thinking about what happened between them and then seeing him and Jisung together.

"Are you still awake?" Chan asked turning his head and looking at the younger only to see him with his eyes closed.

"Of course not" Chan said sighing once more. After a minute or so he began talking to the sleeping Jeongin.

"What are we?" He asked quietly. "I mean...are we just friends and what happened was just in the moment? Or did it mean something to you?"

"It meant something to me" Chan said quietly, almost inaudible. He turned on his side, to be face to face with the younger.

"You look pretty" He said admiring Jeongin's sleeping face. "You look pretty every day"

Chan reached up and let his index finger track along Jeongin's bottom lip.

"I like you a lot. I dont know if you like me back but...I want to be more than friends. You dont have to like me back, you probably dont anyway. You probably like Jisung and I'm not surprised if you did. You've known him longer than me and have been best friends since forever. But after seeing him hold you....I just kept it in for a long time and I cant keep it in any longer. Even if it means spilling my feelings out while you're asleep"

Chan's hand now rested on Jeongin's neck, his thumb caressing his cheek.

"This is creepy isnt it?" Chan asked. But he received no answer, giving a breathy laugh.

"Of course it is. I'm going crazy arent I?" He asked before answering to himself, "Yes you are Chan. You're going crazy for Jeongin"

He stared at the youngers sleeping form for a bit more before asking, "Can I kiss you?"

After a small moment of silence he scooted forward and softly pressed his lips against Jeongin's.

Pulling apart, he pulled Jeongin closer to his chest. "Was that creepy? Yes, yes it was. Do I care? No, not really"

And with that he kisses Jeongin's forehead and soon fell asleep.

Okay short chapter I know, I've been caught up with things but I really wanted to give you guys something.  But trust me, next chapter will be better.

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