Chapter 19

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•the condition or quality of being sad.

Over the span of the next few days, Chan did everything in his power to keep Jeongin by his side.

And he followed the poor boy everywhere, even into the bathroom and to say it was awkward was an understatement.

"Chan, why!" Jeongin whined seeing Chan standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"I miss you" Chan pouted. Jeongin groaned and stomped his feet.

"I was literally laying next to you two seconds ago. Can I please take a shower in peace?" Jeongin pleaded.

"Nope" Chan stated with a innocent smile. Jeongin scowled at him.

"Fine then" Jeongin said walking out of the bathroom, Chan instantly following him.

Dont get Jeongin wrong he absolutely loved the attention he was getting. Chan treated him like the small baby he is, and he loved it. But he also needed some privacy.

Once Jeongin made it to the stairs, he turned around to see Chan right behind him.

After standing there for a moment just staring at eachother, Jeongin booked it towards the bathroom.

He made it inside and closed the door just in time making Chan slam into it.

He locked the door, hearing Chan groan from the otherside.

"Jeongin" Chan whined rubbing his forehead and leaning on the door.

"Sorry, Chan. You've been doing this for three days straight" Jeongin apologized.

He heard Chan sigh and footsteps fading meaning he left.

Jeongin turned on the water, letting it run as he took off his clothes.

Putting his hand under the water and making sure it was the perfect temperature, he stepped in.

Washing his body, he began singing a random song he heard on the radio the other day.

"Cause it's to coooooooooooold for youuuu hereeee" He sang loudly, dancing a little.

He grabbed the shampoo and began shampooing his hair. "Hit you with that- oh I have a mohawk"

Chan, who quietly unlocked the door and somehow got inside without Jeongin even noticing, sat against the door trying his best not to laugh at the younger.

Jeongin folded his hair into rolls, "Die die and your dead"

Everytime he said die, he took a step back until his back hit the cold shower wall once he said dead.

He closed his eyes a small sound escaped his lips to resemble a wilting flower.

"But then you get revived by the power of necromancy" He said letting out a laugh as he went under the water to wash the soap out of his hair.

After spending the rest of the time conditioning and then washing his face, he turned off the water.

Opening the shower curtain, he went to grab his towel when he saw Chan sitting on the floor comfortably, looking at him.

Jeongin let out a high pitched scream, hurrying to close the shower but ended up slipping on soapy floor, the shower curtains fell on top of him since he grabbed it on the way down.

"Ow" Jeongin groaned as Chan's loud laughter filled the air.

Jeongin rolled his eyes annoyed, getting up with the shower curtain around him still, and grabbed the towel.

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