Chapter 20

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Jeongin watched as Chan jogged away, after sitting for a minute he stood up.

Quickly paying and saying goodbye to Jin and Namjoon, he rushed out of the cafe and followed Chan.

He made sure to keep a safe distance away and tried not to be too noticeable.

Jeongin couldn't help but think Chan was going to see another person. They way Chan just left with out any explanation, confused him.

He was jealous.

After a while, he saw the police station a few feet ahead, Chan going inside.

Now Jeongin was really confused. Why was Chan going into the police station?

He walked up to door, looking inside. He saw Chan walk to the front desk, him and a police officer talking.

He couldnt hear what they were saying but he was able to make out some words by reading their lips.


That was all he was able to make out. He was even more confused than before.

After watching Chan and the officer talk for a bit more, he saw Chan bowing and shaking the officers hand.

Jeongin rushed to get away from the door, hiding around the corner.

He heard the door open then close, then he heard Chan give a deep sigh.

"What am I gonna do?" Chan mumbled walking slowly. Jeongin came out from his spot, appearing infront of Chan.

Chan eyes widened seeing Jeongin. "What were you doing at the police station?" Jeongin asked swaying his arms a little.

"Where you following me?" Chan asked avoiding his question.

Jeongin shrugged, "Maybe"

Chan sighed, "You cant just follow someone, Jeongin"

"Sooo..Tell me, What were you doing at the police station?" Jeongin repeated his question.

"Nothing" Chan answered quickly, a little too quickly making Jeongin raise a brow.

"Really?" Jeongin asked tilting his head to the side.

Chan's heart began to beat faster. He wondered that since Jeongin followed him, if he heard that his parents had died.

But seeing as Jeongin showed no hint of sadness or teary eyes, only confusion, he came up with the fact that Jeongin in fact hadn't heard.

"Yeah, it's nothing. Just something that has to do with me babysitting" Chan lied putting an arm around Jeongin's shoulders.

"Oh" Jeongin said nodding, "What did they want to know?"

Chan hesitated trying to come with something that sounded believable.

"They just wanted to know if I'm capable of taking care of you even though you're going to be 18 in a couple months, you're still a baby" Chan said giving a fake smile.

It hurt him to have to lie to Jeongin, it was something he never wanted to do. But he had to protect him and when the time was right, he was going to tell him. For now he was going to do his best to keep this away from Jeongin.

"Oh okay" Jeongin said leaning into Chan's side as they started walking.

"So what were you going to say before I left" Chan said changing the subject.

"Oh yeah" Jeongin said smiling. "I just wanted to stay home and watch TV with you"

Chan's heart fluttered, "Let's do it"

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