Chp. 41

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***SAM’S POV***




After eventually falling asleep last night after hours of staying awake thinking about Megan and my head, I had woken tired and my head still throbbing. My stitches hurt and I felt gross, mostly because I hadn’t showered yet and my body felt slightly soar.

I lifted myself up, feeling pain throb through my skull as I cringed in pain. This sucked, and the more I woke up the more the pain intensified.

But it was nothing compared to the feeling I had when I thought about me and Megan’s conversation last night.

After an entire day of dwelling on the thought over Wednesday night and how Megan had totally came onto me in her drunken state, I had come to find out she didn’t even remember it. And if she was just deciding to act like she didn’t remember it for the sake of our “relationship” then that hurt ever worse.

So was she lying about not remembering anything over last night or was she being absolutely honest with me?

I slowly got out of bed as if I was drunk and didn’t want to stumble over, careful not to strain because if I did my headache would just get worse. I quickly showered and brushed my teeth, and then I remembered that Megan was moving out today.

And I had offered to help.

After yesterday I really didn’t feel up to it, because on top of the whole “I still hate my mom and my car is in the shop cause I’m stupid” thought, there was the fact that Megan had no idea what she had done to me Wednesday. I didn’t understand why I was so hung up on it, but honestly, could you blame me?

Megan, someone almost five years older than me that was also my teacher for Christ’s sake, had literally almost gotten down on me in the parking lot behind Jinx’s. A woman who I had extreme lust for but had been refused to act upon it because of multiple reasons we all know and hate. She had said things, things that meant a lot but shouldn’t considering she was so drunk, but it only made me believe them more. She had managed to tear me up by giving me such a haunting memory, and although I knew I shouldn’t care so much…

I did.

The memory was burned into my brain, and the more I spoke, looked, or even thought about Megan the more it replayed in my head.

I remembered the way her lips had kissed me, and how they were hungry and filled with lust and something else I wasn’t familiar with. There was something different in the kisses I shared with Megan, but I figured it was because Megan was a woman, not just some girl. I remembered the way her body felt against mine, how she had burned my skin with just a touch of her hand. I remembered how it had made me insane feeling her against me and knowing I was expected to hold back and be responsible.

But I had wanted nothing more than to touch her Wednesday night. I had wanted to let her do exactly what she had originally planned. I had been craving that exact feeling and affection from Megan, but of course she had to be drunk when she had decided to actually do it.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now