Chp. 46

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*** MEGAN'S POV***

After the weird and very heated kiss with Sam the rest of the party quickly died and the night ended with me still confused over what exactly had happened. I didn't understand what had come over us during that moment, and I didn't know why I had kissed Sam back so desperately.

I honestly didn't understand anything anymore between us.

Seeing her walk through that door with Shawn had really made me feel weird, and I remember how excited I had been to see her. Everything was so different between us, mostly because there was this undeniable chemistry and this obvious relentlessness we had towards each other. It was extremely frustrating but also really amazing.

Which explained the love-hate relationship we had.

But when she walked through that room and our eyes locked there had been something there, something we both shared, and I knew it had to be joy. She had seemed super happy to see me, and the fact that she had actually thought to get me a gift was sweet. The gift was simple, yet thoughtful, and she had gotten me something for my birthday even after I had put her through hell the last few weeks.

She had really grown up a lot, and I had to give her credit for it.

I was trying hard to figure out when exactly in time she had changed for the better, and although I knew she had grown up a lot since I had met her, she still had plenty growing up to do still. She was better though, much better, and after the party ended and her and Shawn left I had felt something sad inside me.

Was I sad that I wouldn't be able to see her for another two weeks considering winter break?

The more I laid in my bed thinking about what my night had consisted of the more I realized I was extremely restless. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss Sam and I had shared tonight, and what she had done for me by stealing that check back.

She just had no idea how much that had really meant to me.

I turned over, facing my nightstand and seeing my phone sitting there staring at me. For some odd reason I felt compelled to text Sam. I mean, I could if I wanted to, and I had her number even though she didn't have mine. I felt so juvenile at this moment thinking about actually texting her at midnight on her winter break.

Not like she would be doing anything special, thanks to my doing.

I still felt extremely bad for lying and getting her in trouble, and as many times as I debated on telling Shawn the truth tonight I hadn't. I had just been so caught up in all the drama with the check thing that I had completely forgot. Then Sam and I kissed, again, and she stormed out of the bathroom as if I had tried to force her to have sex with me or something.

That was a bad analogy.

I gazed up at the ceiling, remembering how after I had gotten a little too carried away she had pulled away as if I had hurt her. She had looked so confused and weirded out at the same time that I didn't know how to react whenever she had mumbled We shouldn't

I mean, obviously I had done something wrong, I was her teacher, but she had never gotten that way whenever we had kissed all the other times.

God that sounded so bad.

But she had never pulled away so quickly, she had never retreated away from me, if anything she always tried to further it. Not this time, she had been completely confused and scared and all kinds of emotions I still couldn't put my finger on.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin