Chp. 70

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~ ~ ~ ~ SAM’S POV ~ ~ ~ ~

After Megan had left my apartment yesterday it hadn’t taken long for me to receive a very scary and menacing text message. This man was quickly becoming my worst fear, and he seemed to be literally everywhere no matter where I went.

Had he been watching Megan at school and followed her to my place or had he been hidden in the parking lot right outside my house? How long had he been watching, considering I knew for a fact now he was watching what seemed to be every time I went out.

So he had to have been waiting for Megan yesterday after school, following her straight to my house.

Walking silently through the hallways I flipped through my messages and read to myself, “Strike one Sam, you better learn to play my game fast before it’s too late.

I shook my head, feeling the fear and the tortured pain rise up in my throat as I shoved my phone away. I had tried to search his number in my computer last night but there had been absolutely no trace, which meant he was using a pre-paid phone just to torture me.

And it was absolutely working.

The emptiness I felt inside my chest was more painful than anything I had ever felt in my entire existence as I walked almost lifelessly through the halls of my school. In everyone else’s case this was the best day of their lives so far, it was the last day of high school.

No more immature underclassmen, no more lockers or nasty bathrooms, no more disgusting cafeteria lunches and no more annoying teachers. No more waking up early for school, at least until college for those who chose to do so, and no more stressing over all the stupid things high-schoolers stressed over.

But for me it wasn’t the best day of my life, and it honestly felt like the beginning of the end as I continued to walk down the hall towards Megan’s class.

I hadn’t even realized Blair was walking besides me until she mumbled, “Sam, what the hell is wrong with you?”

I shook my head, “Just uh… really sad I guess.”

“Really sad, are you serious? Sam, please talk to me.”

I shook my head, not wanting to involve Blair in this either. The less people that knew the safer they were, and that included hiding it from my best friend. Telling her would possibly provoke the most outrageous reaction that couldn’t be hidden, and if anything got out Megan was ruined.

I couldn’t tell anyone.

Blair grabbed my shoulders, pulling my attention to her, “What the fuck Sam, please, you’re scaring me.”

I sighed, “I have to go Blair.”

She dropped her arms and looked at me completely defeated, “Sam…”

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now