Arc 2 Chapter 7

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Cordilia still stood there and stared at them, her gaze and expression was that of indifference.

"Are you aware that you have became a pawn for the Emperor?" Feng Shirui inquired, being straightforward as always.

Cordilia picked up the cinnamon and honey tea, "Not exactly a pawn." she answered as she gentle blew on it and took a sip

"More like a colleague or an acquaintance. A pawn followed the player's command. A subordinate however has a choice. I have a choice on to which Prince I will help sit on the throne." Cordilia told them casually, as she took another sip

"This intention, I am aware" Cordilia said as she looked at the four of them with a calm smile

"For this unnecessary power struggle of the Royal family, really has nothing to do with me" Cordilia added

Everyone in the room, even the servants and hidden guards were stunned, "Unnecessary? How is it unnecessary!?"

Cordilia gave a disdainful smile, "This power struggle would not even happen if a man could control his libido and think with his mind instead of his penis." Cordilia said bluntly

*cough* *cough* 'So blunt!'

"Even in a small house there would be power struggle how much more in the Imperial Family. How many Princes died every time an Emperor is Crowned? Countless. How many Ministers had died everytime an Emperor is Crowned? Countless. How many Imperial Concubines died because of schemes and after he Emperor is Crowned? Countless" Cordilia was not polite as she fired these questions one by one and gave one simple answer

Cordilia placed the teacup back in the table, in front of her, "I wish to not participate in this game where I could lose my life, it is simply not worth it. Even if I supported a Prince to become an Emperor, I fear that one day he will fear my growing influence and would think I would rebel and accuse if of some random crimes before I am executed. Things like this, aren't you already familiar with it?"Cordilia quirked her lips with a knowing smile. Portraying herself as a coward yet no one could actually labeled her as one.

Feng Qian resorted to taunting, "Ah, you're afraid of death"

Cordilia gave an amused smile, "Wrong. I am not afraid of death, I don't even give a damn if I die now, unfortunately I could not die right now. Not unless I finish from things. I'll hand over a sharp knife for you to stab me when the time comes. Look forward to it"

'Of all things I am afraid of, dying is not one of them' Cordilia said in her heart.

'I understand her less and less.' Feng Qian thought

Feng Shirui suddenly let out an amused laugh, "I like you. You're very interesting" he said, a strange glint in his eyes

"En" Cordilia did not inquired what he found amusing or to his liking

Long Ju Wang presented another topic, "There is an assassination plot to the Emperor this coming Mid Autumn Hunt, what's your opinion for that matter?" he was not interested in seeing the flirting and pink atmosphere around Feng Shirui.

Cordilia gave them a disinterest glance, "Isn't that plot old enough to be my ancestor's ancestor? Every year there are always been many attempts to get rid of the Emperor and everybody knows that, what's new? It is not strange that there would be no worm working under us" Cordilia scoffed at this

'This girl...'

"You do realised that you will be framed for this, don't you? If you fail to capture the assassin and figure out the Culprit behind this, then you will possibly lose you position for being incompetent," the 8th Prince stated

"I know. There is no need to worry, naturally, I have it under control" Cordilia said, her tone filled with confidence, making the four raised a brow.

Cordilia smirked as she sat on her seat, leisurely taking a sip on her vanilla tea. It's fragrance cause others to glance at her.

Earlier, she refused the request to go hunting. It'll be useless as Cordilia did not know how to use bow and arrows yet. Best stay behind to not lose face.

And so, she sat on her chair exclusively just for her, the 2nd Rank Princess General. Next to her was Feng Qian, they made some conversation here and there, mainly about Military and Martial Arts.

And as for the former female lead, she really was seeking death. Approaching the two dazzling 'Phoenixs' to make trouble.

"Seems a beggar really could turn into a Princess, but netherless, they are still a beggar through and through" Mo Yue Xin's venomous words could be heard throughout the place.

This made the other Noble Ladies watched on an interesting play. The other Ministers looked at the Left Prime Minister who was embarrassed. The Emperor looked on as well with the Empress.

'Such words.... Just how poisonous is this woman?'

"Mo Xiaojie, could it be that you are jealous of this Princess General?" Cordilia quirked up her lips and leaned her chin on the back of her hand, staring at the girl below her like she was looking at an idiot.

"This Princess General would not deny that this Princess General came from a humble background, but so what?" Cordilia raised a brow before she laughed lightly

Call her evil, but Cordilia porpusely call herself Princess General, boasting her tittle over and over again to prove the point that she is of higher rank and cannot be offended. It held an unspoken words "This is what happen if you offend me"

"At first, this Princess General admired the Young Misses ever since this Princess General was a child. Heard alot of stories about them, white, tender, kind, and delicate. But alas, there seemed to be an exception. Some wore the image of a perfect woman but was very venomous than a poisonous snake. What a disappointment. Even the women in the Flower House(brothel) are not so straight forward. It really give this Beggar an enlightment. Excellent, excellent" Cordilia laughed lightly as if she did not just call a girl lower than a prostitute and degrade herself

But Alas, Cordilia did not let the girl have a chance to react.

"This Princess General has always been taught by Master that no matter what, how the child developed depends on their surroundings, so is it safe to inquire what kind of Place the Left Prime Minister Mo's territory is like? To have such attitude... Tsk Tsk" Cordilia sighed and looked at the Red faced Mo Yue Xin with her face held innocence and curiosity

'How terrible! I almost fell on her trap! Making me believe that this Princess General was a girl with poor upbringing! What poor upbringing!? This is comparable to the married women ah!'

Cordilia was implying that the Mo Manor was filled with poisonous and scheming snakes that likes to seek trouble, this extend and implicated other noble houses as well. Mo Yue Xin wanted to salvage the situation but how can she refute when she was known as a green tea bitch, extremely unreasonable, domineering, and mean ever since young. Her already smelly reputation was poured by a bucket load of shit by Cordilia.

"Fortunately, fortunately this Princess General was a beggar, if this Princess General really born in the Noble House, would this Princess General also had a black heart?" Cordilia patted her chest and heave a sigh of relief.

Feng Qian opened her fan and laugh behind it. 'This is how modern women fight. If you want to slap a shameless bitch, be more shameless yourself' she thought

Mo Yue Xin cough up a mouthful of blood in anger and pretend to faint, showing her weak and delicate appearance but it only invite disdain from Cordilia.

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