Arc 5 Chapter 2

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Editor chan: @Kyam_Kyam

Cordilia suddenly found herself running in the trees with a bundle in her arms, the black cloak on her had protected her from the cold winds and knew where she is.

She looked at the bundle in her hands before she tightened her hold and looked at her tails. Cordilia narrowed her eyes before she took off faster, A'Yuan was working already on the body she is in.

[Alright Host, body finished modifying] A'Yuan said, Cordilia smirked before she took off faster, using the combination of how how a Vampire leap and Qinggong. Cordilia's leap was twice than what even an elite vampire is capable of

Cordilia soared above the trees as if she was flying and able to create a large distance in a short amount of time.

Without hesitation, Cordilia broke through the barrier and entered the Human World, zooming past the unaware Hunters and tripping the stings to sound the bells on porpuse so those Vampires behind will take the burn. Heh, who told you to come after I, your mother?

Cordilia immediately barged into an open window in an inn and quickly closed it shut. Sniffing the air, Cordilia knew the coast is clear, the occupant has not been in the dorm for a week now so it's still safe. Cordilia was thankful she learned Seals, barrier seals was one of them without hesitation she set up countless of them before placing the child in her arms

Judging from the scene she saw outside, its still the Dark Age and looking at the sleeping silver haired child on the bed, there are still Seven Hundred Years before the plot could officially start. Too long.

Cordilia remembered in Catherine's Memory. The Half Brother of Lukas had seized the throne and to get rid of loose threads, he decided to kill his other half brothers.

Lukas was the son of the Queen and King. The Queen had long since passed away and it was Catherine who became the big sister role model of Lukas, since the King did not care for Lukas, he was disregarded by everyone and Lukas was a late bloomer, his ability had yet to manifest even if he is already a hundred years old so everyone had already assumed he is a trash, but not Catherine, she still dearly care for this sweet little child. Catherine's ability is her Senses. Even though Vampires and Werewolves had high senses, Catherine had her enhanced 20x. Her perspective is very sharp and no one will get passed her watch. So when she heard that Lukas' half brother Anthony Baltazar wanted to kill off his half brothers, Catherine was the first to pack everything she could take and then bundle up Lukas before she turned high tailed and make a run for it.

In the original plot, Catherine was heavily injured that it cost her her left ear and right eye with losts of scars all over her body but Lukas was spotless. Catherine almost died but she managed to escape with Lukas to safety. But since Cordilia came just in time they avoided that crisis.

Cordilia crossed her arms and sighed looked at the sleeping meatbun.

"This will be a long Seven Hundred Years" Cordilia said

They can't stay in this Human Village, it will be easier to track her here, specially since its near the Gate to the Vampire World.

In the future, they will have to build a huge follower to take back Lukas' rightful right to the throne. Discarded by the King or not, Lukas is of Pure Royal Blood with the Ancient Dual Abiltiy of Space and Time.

Cordilia calculated and nodded.

Tomorrow they will head to Country F and recruit some Generals in their people.

In the morning, Cordilia held a white rabbit in her hands as she walked over to the sleepy Lukas.

"My Prince, awake?" Cordilia asked, Lukas' blue sleepy eyes occasionally droopped

Cordilia went over and took out a wooden comb before combing the silky powder blue locks.

"Catherine... Where are we?" Lukas asked, finally realised thst they are in a wooden room.

"My Prince, we are currently on the run. Your brother is after your life. We cannot dilly dally much longer and must go" Cordilia said, Lukas, although a child via Vampire standard, sensed the situation is very grave for them.

He agreed and immediately held the rabbit in his hands, stroking its soft fur before Lukas' cold fingers trailed to its nape and without hesitation snapped the rabbit's neck, killing it instantly and he bit down on it, sucking blood and quenched his thirst.

Cordilia was unnerved of it at first.

'Alas.... I must adjust to this.... But its still freaky okay? So don't rush me'

After that, Cordilia secured the bundle on Lukas. He is still a child and although their generation would not be affected so much in the sunlight, they will feel irritated when under it for too long now.

Cordilia bundled themselves and she was ready to go.

"Catherine... Will you be okay?" Lukas asked, his blue eyes looked at her with concern

"I will be fine, My Prince. Hold on time and cover yourself, your servant will immediately find a safe heaven for Your Highness" Cordilia said coolly before she ticked in Lukas and held the child closer and quickly zoomed from the window and to the forest.

A'Yuan looked at the bundle in Cordilia's arms, his lips could not help but quirked up, 'Xue Jin Yang, this demon spawn, Host to think that your son had been in this place.... Are you upset that he would even go and be in a relationship with the Heroine?'

Cordilia was naturally unwilling for her son to share his beloved to others and is not willing for him to enter a relationship with the Female Lead,' Don't worry child, I'll find a suitable daughter in law for you'

System I Want Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें