Arc 4 Chapter 12

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Cordilia made a move to run away, however the other party seemed to guess what she would do so he spun them around, making use of the dance to prevent the other from running away.

"You are annoying" Cordilia said coldly as she followed the lead

Elreste in the body of Yin Shuan only chuckled bitterly, "Do you really have to be so harsh? Where is your consideration?"

Cordilia looked at him with a flat look, "Look Mister, I don't know you, and I'm pretty sure we don't have any relationship together in the past so...." Cordilia said

Elreste gave a bitter smile, "Ah... You got that right, however you had never gave me a chance to step forward"

Cordilia's lips quirked up, it seems her guess is accurate, "How could you blame me. Courting death twice in a row, you had plenty of time to make a move" Cordilia twirled before facing Elreste again, "Yet you didn't"

Elreste grasp Cordilia's waist and pulled her closer before gliding around the dance floor, "I would have if it weren't for annoying pest bugging around"

Cordilia scoffed, "Then that is not my problem now, is it?" Cordilia said

The two dance for 3 consecutive songs.

"Why are you following me. Your soul is.... Its restless" Cordilia said, bitting her lips

"Is there a need to answer such stupid question? It has been a long time, I thought that you have gained IQ, turns out its only your arrogance and ego that had inflated" Elreste said coolly

Cordilia's temper flared, "You're calling I, your mother, stupid!?!?"

Elreste only smirked and twirled the girl before he could take her back in his arms.... She was snatched away.

Snatched....... Away.......


"Mind if I cut in?" Jack smirked as he held Cordilia's waist before going on with the song and glided away with Cordilia

'....... Seeking death!' Elreste's eyes darkened and his expression was murderous

Cordilia expression looked like she had been strucked by lightning, "X-Xue Jin Ying?" Cordilia bit her lips.

"Feng Xian Er" Jack Gu's blue eyes flickered and turned black, Xue Jing Yin really does have obsidian black eyes

Cordilia suddenly felt tired.

[.... Cordilia..... Hurry your progress up and let's leave this world, its edging to becoming one of the Broken Worlds] A'Yuan said, Cordilia felt quite complicated

"Your Majesty" Cordilia greeted monotonously

Jack Gu chuckled and effortlessly carried Cordilia bridal style and spun around before placing her back to the ground and held her hand and twirled her, "I kinda like this world... Not chaotic like the last world." Jack Gu smiled

"You followed me... How?" Cordilia asked curiously

"Well..... *laughs* it's a secret. If I tell you, you'd definately find a way to lock the gate" Xue Jin Ying in the body of Jack Gu said in amusement and leaned down, touching their forehead

Cordilia scowled, "I'll find out eventually" and Cordilia was spunned around.

Xue Jin Ying smirked challenging. Suddenly when Cordilia was spunned around, she was snatched away once more.

"I believe its my turn now" a new unfamiliar voice said

"Hey!" Jack Gu yelled in indignation

Cordilia was in a daze staring at the man in front of her gold eyes and blue hair.... Isn't this the Film Emperor, Jin RouMian.

[..... Master?] A'Yuan gaped, his code almost glitches in shock okay!?

'Wait what?!' Cordilia was stunned and looked at the man in front of her

Cordilia's brain... Almost short circuited.

Fuck, what the hell is going on!?

Cordilia was led around in the dance floor once more.

The two males that had their partner snatched away, "........"

They looked at each other with lightning sparks with one sentence echoing in their mind as they glanced at the stranger that danced with Cordilia, 'Who the fuck is that guy?!'

The other people watching the childish scene, "......." 'The heck is going on!?'

The sis con, "......" 'Shit, why are you touching my sister!?'

Cordilia did not know what to do anymore. Her heart and brain suddenly became very tired. She cried internally, 'Why is this happening to me? Which God did I, your mother, offended?'

Cordilia's cold face slowly started cracking at the childish game of snatching her around like she was a toy bone that was played by a bunch of puppy.

Cordilia finally had enough, "You all are idiots!I'M NOT A DAMN TOY FOR YOU TO PLAY WITH!!!!" Cordilia screamed on top of her lungs before gathering her skirt in her arms and ran outside.

Cordilia kept on running. 'If I don't get away now, I believe I will go insane!'



[Host you died.... Gloriously] A'Yuan reported in the system space, looking at the lump on the ground, Cordilia painfully raised her middle finger to the Sky and let A' Yuan dragged her soul out of the world.

'How did the world got destroyed?'

[With those three barging in that world? Its impossible for it to not be destroyed and the cause of that? Heh]

"........." 'I suddenly felt uncomfortable all over'

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